chapter 2

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* A/N I dedicated this chapter to little panda because she has always wanted to read one of my stories and I've always been too scared to share them with anyone but she gave me confidence to do so. Thank you hun for always being there for me <3 xx

Laurence's POV

I stared down at the girl in my arms. How long at she been away from here? I didn't recognise her picture from any of the missing posters that were pinned up in their hundreds round the village. Her clothes were in tatters and I noticed goosebumps rising on her arms, legs and what was showing of her stomach.

I took my jacket off and placed it round her, zipping it up and ignoring the cold air that hit me almost immediately. She needed it more than I possibly did. Slowly and carefully I stood up, taking her with me and cradling her against me chest. God, she weighed hardly anything to me. A hundred questions were going through my head: who was she? Where had she come from? Was anyone looking for her? When was the last time she ate?...That was the main one, especially if she was this light.

I glanced round the forest. There wasn't a sound to be heard or anything moving to be seen and I didn't dare stay around for longer than necessary, not with Hayley in my arms. I took off running in the opposite direction from where I came, back to the house.

I was aware of someone following me about halfway back and I slowed down, only to be met with someone jumping down on my back. It took everything I could not to drop Hayley and I yelped out in surprise. When I sort of had my balance back I was aware of a sharp wooden stake hovering over my chest.

"You're getting sloppy moving back home Beveridge," the voice whispered, "There could have been anyone around here..."

"Drew..." I breathed out, "Get off my back, I'm in a hurry."

"What? So now I can't jump attack a friend? Since when were you never up for that?!" he sounded a bit hurt and slightly surprised that for once I wasn't playing his games. It was only then I realised that he hadn't seen Hayley - he didn't know that I was carrying her.

"Drew, I found someone that was being chased by Victor and-"

The second that I mentioned Victor's name, my light brown haired friend was off my back and standing in front of me, inspecting Hayley with a concerned expression. He glanced up at me before looking back at her, "Where's Victor? Did he follow you here?" he asked, brushing some of her hair away that had fallen over her face. 

I shook my head, "No, he's dead."

A small smile spread over his lips, but he still never took his eyes off of Hayley, "Well at least something good happened tonight...Did you kill him, Bevers?"

I nodded and started walking, not wanting to spend much more time outside, "Yeah, he was close to killing Hayley  when I got there. We didn't exactly spend much time talking though. I killed him, looked up and saw she was running off. Chased her and got her to calm down, brought her here and this is where we got to."

Drew kept close to us as we were walking, glancing around watching in case anything jumped out at us, "Well at least that's one less leech that we have to worry about...he's also close to the Cardinal, so you know that we'll be in some kind of trouble, and it'll be bad."

I shrugged, "We're always in trouble with him, this won't make much difference." I sped up as the house came into view, first just walking fast then a quick jog. I suddenly wanted to get her inside more than ever, and Drew sensed that.

He ran off ahead of us calling back, "I'll get the medical kit!" and he burst through the door, earning a few surprised shouts from inside: the one that stood out the most was Cyrus'.

A few seconds later I was through the door and everyone in the room was looking at me: Kier, Luke, Cyrus and Matt. Drew had obviously said something to them when he had come through, but by the looks on their faces they hadn't caught it. I didn't waste any time and ran past them and through to the bedroom that was just off of the living room, putting Hayley down on the bed.

It was only now that there was light enough for me to see that I even noticed how bad she looked: her brown hair was matted through with leaves and dried up blood, arms and legs covered in scratches and scars - some that looked like they had happened months ago, others a few hours. Her jeans were ripped from the knee down and almost soaked through with blood; her top - if you could even call it that - had no sleeves and only flimsy straps, the body of it cutting off just under her chest. Her stomach was covered in blood and there was what appeared to be bite marks - vampire, animal and even human. Her face was covered in mud and blood, one corner of her mouth letting out a steady stream of blood and it was only then that I noticed she had no shoes on.

Matt and Kier came through first purely for curiosity more than anything else, closely followed by Drew who was running carrying everything he could possibly manage in his arms. He'd called on Cyrus and Luke to help as he came through seconds later carrying more things.

Drew set to work sorting out various different kinds of equipment and towels, Matt closely following suite. He managed to get everyone else out of the room and even tried to persuade me to go, but I wouldn't and I made a point of showing that I wasn't budging. After a few unsuccessful attempts, Matt gave up trying to get me out and went back to helping Drew.

It was only when Drew had cleaned some of the blood and dirt off of her face and neck that I saw multiple bite marks on her. Vampire.

Shit, no wonder the girl was terrified when I caught up with her in the forest. What the hell had she been through?

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