chapter 9

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*Hayley's POV*

My head was pounding, as though there was someone inside that was constantly knocking on it. There was voices all around, muttering and talking amongst themselves. I didn't catch any of the conversations that were being had, only the odd word here and there, but nothing that stuck out.

I thought back, trying to work out where I was...I remember being at the house... Laurence, Drew...Kier, Cyrus and Luke... Matt. Suddenly all the memories came flooding back all at once. The fighting, Drew and Matt being held against their will by those stupid vampires. The rest of the guys coming out to get us. The fight. Jared snapping Matt's neck....

The last thought made me want to scream out, but all I managed was a tiny squeak. And that hurt like hell. Great, a sore throat and head. I tried to move my hands to massage my temples, see if I could ease the pain a bit, but they were tied behind my back. And tightly.  I shook them slightly and heard rattling. Chains? Where the hell was I?!

My eyelids felt heavy as I opened them, and all I was met with was blinding white light. I squinted against it, allowing my eyes to adjust. First thing I saw was Jared sitting just across from me, on the floor - his signature smirk plastered over his face and shirtless. The next thing was another vampire behind him, cleaning off a blade from blood that was covering it. I recognised that one... a newborn that had been in the forest earlier. Whoever he actually was, he showed no interest in what was actually going on with me.

"Well, well, well... I thought you'd truly left me there. You've gotten stronger since the last time though, so I'll give you credit on that," my face must have given away that I had no clue what he was talking about as he laughed, "Oh, did I really hit you that hard that you remember nothing?" He walked over and pulled me to my feet by my elbow and I almost collapsed back onto the floor, but he held me up supporting my weight.

It was only when I looked down at myself that I realised what he was actually talking about. My trousers were torn to shreds and my top was non existent any more. It was just my bra that actually covered anything, but one of the straps on that was hanging down having been ripped off. I was covered in bruises, scratches and bites. The majority of them were on my stomach and below the knee... Vampire. Most likely Jared. A small squeak rose from my throat and I felt tears burning my eyes. 

Jared walked round behind me, encircling his arms round my waist, "Doesn't it just remind you of old times? Only, there wasn't as much blood as last time," he chuckled and I felt his lips press against my neck, teeth scraping over it not long after. I scrunched my eyes closed, trying not to look at what he might do next and to show that I wasn't scared. Unfortunately I felt my heart beat pick up speed, and so did he as he let out a long laugh. "Oh my little scared Hayley... It's not my place to do any more harm to you, y'know...not yet anyway."

I was confused, but jeez, I did not question it whatsoever. All I could properly focus on right now was how much my legs and stomach were hurting, but I had to ignore that as much as I could if I wanted to get away from him. Jared's face was still pressed into my neck, but I took a chance and tried to step forward which was met by a growl.

"I don't think so," he pulled me back, closer to him and sunk his fangs into my neck. I screamed, but for how long I don't know. It was probably only a matter of seconds - but it felt like a whole lot longer. 

It only stopped when the large oak doors swung open. I felt his fangs retract from my neck and I dropped forward onto the ground, whimpering. I was pretty sure that on impact with the ground I'd burst my lip open, but even then I still didn't look up from. 

"Now, now Jared. You need to be a bit better behaved than this," the voice said and I recognised it instantly.

"No, no, no! This can't be happening! He can't be here. Oh God." my mind was screaming. Last I heard he'd gone out of town to the further edges of the country, and that was only a matter of days ago. My thoughts were confirmed when  a cloaked black figure unchained my wrists and helped me onto my feet.

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