Chapter 14

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*Drew's POV*

We arrived home, tired but actually quite proud. Kier hd actually managed to kill The Cardinal, that asshole that we'd been fighting for years was finally dead. On top of that Hayley was now back with us. Speaking of I turned round to see Laurence, Kier and Luke coming through the door and I was ready to launch myself for a hug from Hayley when I saw Laurence carrying her.

"What the hell happened?!"

Laurence shook his head, "Nothing, I just think the whole thing has been a bit much for The Cardinal bit her before any of us could get to her in the middle."

I wasn't totally convinced that everything was okay with her, but I left it at that.

Quick mental note: when Hayley wakes up get hugs. Also make sure everything's okay. Oh, and more hugs because there's been a severe lack of them around here.

I watched as he carried her upstairs to his room so she could get some rest and wake up, hopefully, more comfortable and in a better place than wherever she had been when The Cardinal had her. Shouldn't be too hard then.

I walked over onto the couch and just flopped down onto it, burying my face into the pillow.

"I'll go make us all some food... it's been a while since any of us have eaten something," Luke said, walking away and through to our small kitchen.

I felt a body sit down on top of my legs and he wiggled its butt around, "Can I share this seat with you, Wooly?"

The noise I made wasn't quite human and more part animal than anything and I managed to shift my legs out from under the voice who I recognised as Cyrus and curled up into a ball on the couch. I didn't mind, I was just really tired right now... I hadn't exactly had that much sleep, except from when I was with Cy.

"C'mere Drew..." I felt Cyrus's hands slip round me and pull me onto his lap, holding me close, "Get some sleep..."

"No problems there then..." I mumbled, eyes drifting shut.

I listened to him humming one of our songs quietly as I curled myself up tighter, gripping onto his shirt. I always felt safe when I was with my Timid, and nothing could change that.

I carried on listening, until I felt myself droop slightly against him and felt myself falling into a light sleep.

*Laurence's POV*

I carefully put Hayley down on the bed, just so she could rest and try to forget about this whole experience. Easier said than done that's for sure. The wounds on her neck I saw to first, cleaning them up with a towel then cleaned it with some antiseptic wipes, finally putting a plaster over them to stop any more infection getting to them. I pulled the duvet up and over her to keep her warm then laid out a shirt and a pair of shorts for when she woke up. I smiled one last time at her, making sure that she was okay then turned to go.

"Laur... can you please stay with me?"

I turned back round to see her sitting up on the bed, looking scared and holding the duvet tightly up against her. I nodded and lay down on the bed, pulling her close to me. She curled up against my side, putting her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. "Thank you..." she whispered.

"Couldn't just leave you here after you asked me to," I smiled softly.

"You could have... I'm just happy that you're staying here," she looked up at me, biting her lip, "And thanks for getting me out of the palace as well."

"Like I said, couldn't leave you."

"Still, thank you," she leaned up and kissed me gently then almost immediately went as red as a tomato, looking quickly away and hiding her face from me.

I smiled a little, feeling my cheeks heat up a little as well. I tilted her face back up to mine and pressed my lips back to hers. I felt her kissing me back and I smiled against her as she shifted her current position and wrapped her arms round my neck. The kiss never broke until I pulled back, smiling at her. She had this cute smile across her face and despite the now fading black eye, she looked like she had always been here, never left, nothing bad had happened to her since I'd found her... yeah, that's what I was telling myself.

"You're so beautiful, Hayley..."

Her cheeks changed to a light pink and she shook her head, bringing her hand up to her eye, "I'm not... the bruises don't exactly help me case, neither do the scars, or the-"

I stopped her from saying anything else bad about herself by kissing her again and pulling her onto my lap. I felt her running her hands through my hair and tugging on it gently which only made me pull her even closer to me. 

"Oh, sorry guys..." we both jumped and looked over to the door where Luke was standing with a smirk over his face, "Didn't mean to interrupt anything in here."

I knew my cheeks were flaming red but I tried my best to ignore them and shook my head, "You're not...what do you want then Luke?"

"I've made food for everyone, I was wondering if you guys were hungry?"

"Starving," muttered Hayley.

I nudged her and Luke held out his hand for her to come with him for something to eat. She jumped off of me and over to him looking back, "You coming, Laur?"

I nodded, "I'll be down in a second, just gonna get changed."

She smiled at me and I listened to them both go downstairs, almost immediately I heard Drew and her talking together. I sat up, swinging my legs off the bed, and holding my head in my hands. Jeez, I kissed Hayley...this was something I didn't intend on doing, but it'd happened.

Don't get me wrong, the more I thought about I realised just how much I really liked her. I smiled to myself, running a hand through my hair and standing up. Hell, I think I more than liked her now, especially after that kiss. I mean wow.

I couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle to no one in particular. Pulling off my shirt which only now did I notice it was a little blood splattered from when we were back in the palace, I put on another one and ran my hands through my hair again trying to make it look not so bed like. If Luke said anything to anyone about that kiss, I swear I will throw whatever food he made at him.

Well, lets just see how this goes then.

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