Chapter 20

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*Hayley's POV*

I woke up alone. No Laurence lying beside me and no sounds in the house. I sighed and pulled the duvet tightly round me and curled up beneath it. I couldn't be bothered with facing anyone or anything today, especially after everything that went on yesterday. I hugged one of the pillows beside me and buried my face into the other one. I'd just woken up and already I wanted this day to just be over with.


I near enough jumped out of my skin and sat up fast, eyes wide as I looked over to the door. My heart was beating fast and I was suddenly pretty scared but that started to reside when I saw Matt was standing there holding a steaming cup. 

"H-Hey...sorry, you gave me a fright..." I said, my breathing slowly starting to return to normal.

He smiled and walked in, handing me the cup which I saw was hot chocolate then sitting on the edge of the bed, "Sorry about that... I just wanted to say I'm sorry about everything."

I tilted my head to the side and looked at hiim, "What do you mean? You've done nothing wrong."

Hi sighed and looked down, playing and twisting his hands between each other, "It's my fault that Drew got shot, it's my fault that you got taken into the palace, it's my fault everything bad has ever happened."

I furrowed my brow and put the cup on the dresser to the side, shuffling over to him, "Hey, hey, it's not your fault with any of this, not the shooting or me getting taking away. Why would you even think that?"

"Because I didn't do anything to stop it.."

I pulled him into a tight hug and I felt his head bury into the crook of my neck as I held him. His shoulders started to shake a little and my shoulder got slightly wet as his tears rolled from his eyes onto it. I rubbed his back softly allowing him all the time he needed to get it out of his system, so I just didn't speak and sat there. It was weird how the first time I'd properly met him he hadn't been that open to me about anything, but here we both were.

"Hayley... I'm hungry... can we go get something to eat?..." his voice was quiet and barely audible if I hadn't been right beside him.

"Yeah of course..." I started to move away but Matt tightened his grip slightly. "Matt, sweetie, if you want something to eat I kinda need to go down to the kitchen..."

He pulled back slightly to look at me, his eyes turning black, "No you don't, just stay right here..." and I watched as his fangs appeared. 

I shoved him off me, catching him off guard as he slipped off the bed and I jumped out of it running straight for the door. Next thing I knew I felt a vice like grip on my ankle and I went face down onto the floor, hitting my head off the door handle as I dropped. I lashed out with my feet at Matt who was pulling himself up towards me, digging his nails in as he did so. I continued to kick and a scream erupted from my throat as the heel of my foot connected with Matt's nose and his head snapped back, both hands flying to his nose as the bone cracked. 

This was my chance. Without wasting another second I was up again and running down the hall and stairs two at a time. I heard a hiss behind my and hands on my back as I was shoved forward and down the remainder of the stairs. My elbow made contact with the floor and pain shot through my arm as I cried out.

I groaned out in pain and clutched my elbow, rolling onto my back. Tears had sprung into my eyes but I refused to let them fall in front of Matt. Speaking of, he jumped down the last six or so stairs and landed on top of me, pinning my arms above my head.

"It's your fault I'm like this! If you hadn't come along, if Laurence hadn't found you THEN THIS WOULDN'T BE HAPPENING!" he lashed out and slapped me across the face, snapping my head round to the left. In that moment I saw Luke standing in the door way, just out of sight of anyone else holding a stake to his chest. My eyes widened at the sight of him but Matt grabbed my head back round and pulled me half up, "WHY DID YOU EVEN HAVE TO COME INTO OUR LIFE?! EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT BEFORE YOU BITCH!"

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