chapter 5

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Hayley's POV

Everyone was looking between me and Matt, shell shocked at what had just been said.

Me on the other hand? I felt numb. I'm dead? I can't be. This isn't right. I'm not dead, I can't be. I'm standing here right now and I'm very much alive...

I could hear the guys in the room talking and arguing among themselves, but I wasn't listening. I had completely zoned out from everything that was happening. Three years ago - that's when Matt said that I died...what had happened that night?


"Daddy?" she ran through the gardens frantically, tears going down her cheeks looking around, "Daddy, where are you! Please, daddy, it's urgent!"

A pair of hands encircled her waist and lifted her up, spinning her round in circles. She squealed and clinged onto the arms that were round her, not sure whether they were friendly or not.

"I'm here, my little princess," the voice said as he kissed her cheek gently, "You are meant to be with your mother in her room...she was going to do your hair for the dance tomorrow night."

She turned round and hugged him, more tears going down her cheeks, "Daddy, I had to come find you...she asked me to come and find you...m-mummy, she fell and she won't wake up..."

He pulled away and looked at her, "What do you mean?"

Between sobs she replied, "M-mummy fell a-and she won't g-get up..."

He took off, running back towards the palace, charging through the doors - leaving the little girl crying on the ground outside, hugging herself.

She listened as he burst through the gates into the palace, to where a man who worked for him approached, "Your majesty is everything okay?" 

"WHERE IS MY WIFE?!" he bellowed, sending it to echo all around.

She listened as there was a slight pause before she heard, "The Queen is dead, sire. I'm so sorry."

*End of Flashback*

As I came out of the memory, I caught on to the last part of the conversation.   "So, she's a vampire which means we've got to kill her before she kills us!" I looked up to see Matt coming towards me.

Before I had a chance to react, Matt had grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and was pulling me back towards the door. I was back to wrestling against him, trying to get him to let me go. 

"Matt, let her go now!" Drew shouted, and I was then pulled out of his grip by Cyrus who held onto me.

"She's not a vampire, Matt. There's got to be some other kind of explanation for this - just not that," Luke snapped, obviously annoyed at what he'd just done.

Matt stayed by the door, glowering but no longer arguing now that he realised that none of the others were going to back him up on what he was saying or what he thought about me. I had still said nothing, simply in shock of everything that had just been said. So I just stood there, holding on to Cy's arms as if he was going to disappear from me at any second.

"She died..." I managed to whisper.

Kier caught onto this and tore his gaze away from Matt -scared as though he might try something again - and to me, "Who did?"

" mother...she died when I was about ten and that's when my dad started to change...he wasn't really my dad any more..." hot tears started going down my cheeks and I felt as though a massive lump had materialised in my throat. Cyrus spinned me round and hugged me tightly, letting my bury my face into his chest as I cried.

The room was silent for a little while until Drew finally spoke up, "Well we've established that she's not a vampire, but that doesn't explain as to why she's been reported dead for the past three years."

Looks like I'd be diving back into my past some more.

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