Just One Taste A Night

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I was running.

The wind was whipping around me, causing leaves to swirl about me and tree branches to reach out and snatch at my clothes, hair and face. I stumbled and landed flat on my hands and knees, a sharp pain shooting through my body.

"Oh little Hayley, you can't keep running forever," a voice from behind me purred, a long and shrill laugh following swiftly after that.

I jumped up and continued running. Tears had began to blur my vision and I could feel blood from where I fell on my knees start to run down my legs, hands stinging to add to the pain that I was feeling. The forest seemed endless, and I couldn't see the edge of it. There was no light other than that of the pale moon up above casting shadows all around me and making them dance. It was messing with my head, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. Nothing except get out of here alive. Which was easier said than done.

The voice came again, only this time a lot closer, "You're not going to get out of here, Hayley...you know that I can't allow that..." 

"Leave me alone!" I ran faster, tears running down and staining my cheeks. I risked a glance behind me and saw the cloaked figure swooping effortlessly over the ground, barely causing a sound. His hood was over his face, but I caught a glimpse of shining white teeth grinning at me.

I let out a scream as the ground gave way beneath me and suddenly I was tumbling down hill, through piles upon piles of leaves, twigs and mud. I came to a sudden crash when I collided with a tree and pain shot through me. I inhaled sharply and clutched at my bloody and battered arms, my shirt basically a tattered wreck and soaked through with blood.

I tried to sit up but the figure was upon me. He grabbed at my throat and picked me up, keeping a hold. I clawed at his hands trying to get him to loosen his grip, but this made his grin appear wider and he lifted me so as I was now balancing on tip toes.

"Oh, little one, did you seriously think you could escape me?" he talked, his voice coming across as velvety and soft. He was far from either of those.

"Screw...you..." I gasped between breaths, spitting on his face.

His smile disappeared and he slammed me up against the tree bark that I had collided with, his voice losing all delicacy, "I should have killed you the second you appeared, but I didn't...because I'm such a nice person. And this is how you repay me? By being an ungrateful little bitch?" his grip tightened around my throat and I started to see dots in my vision. He leaned his face close to mine, "You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy this..." his grin reappeared along with his fangs, but I no longer had the energy to fight back. I closed my eyes and awaited what was about to happen.

It didn't come. There was a loud grunt and I was dropped to the forest floor, coughing and gasping for air. I looked up to see the vampire rolling on the ground with a man standing not too far from him holding a stake in his hands. He looked back at me and seemed happy with what he saw as he pounced onto the vampire and they began to wrestle for control.

I didn't know who this man was, but I couldn't stay. I should of helped him, but I stood up and started running again, ignoring the pain that was circling through my body from my head straight down to my ankles. My vision kept going blurry and the dots had started to reappear. I stopped simply to steady myself and to catch my breath. I put an arm to my side and pulled it away looking down. I could feel my hand become cold, slightly sticky and wet, and from what little light there was available I saw the red shimmer across my hand. 

I heard rustling behind me, and I immediately took off running as fast as I could all over again. An arm appeared and encircled my waist, pulling me back to the person who had extended their arm. I screamed and wriggled about in the person's grasp, ignoring the pain I was getting from my side and arms and kicking my legs out behind me as he lifted me off of the ground.

"Hey, hey! Calm down! I've got you!" the figure called out but I wouldn't listen and kept on wrestling with his arms, trying to pry them off of me. New tears were pouring down my cheeks, I'd made it further than I ever had before, there was no way now I was going to give in. My leg lashed out and caught onto his and he stumbles backwards, landing on the ground with me on top yet his arms were still around me.

"Please calm down! Victor is dead!" the voice shouted again and I froze just as I was about to stand up and make a dash for it, my breathing heavy.

He was dead? After all this time, it was over?

I felt myself go limp in the strangers arms and I breathed out in pure relief. I whispered, "You have no idea how good it is to hear those words..." The world around me was spinning and I felt new tears burn down my cheeks. There was pain in the back of my throat, I just wanted to scream and bawl my eyes out, get all my angry out in the open and get all of my emotions as far as I possibly could away from myself.

He sat up and moved me slightly so he could cradle me against his chest. I welcomed this and curled up into a tight ball against him, "Trust me, I do..." he wiped away my tears gently with his thumb, never breaking eye contact with me. He brushed a stray strand of hair out my face, "You're going to be safe now, okay...?"

I gave a brief nod and managed to whisper out, "M-My name's Hayley..."

A small smile spread across his lips, "Mines is Laurence...I'm going to take you somewhere safe. They're not going to get you. I promise..."

I tried to smile but I couldn't bring myself to do it. My eyes shut closed and my head dropped backwards sending me into the black abyss of pain and nightmares.

Just One Taste A Night (Fearless Vampire Killers Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now