chapter 8

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*Matt's POV*

Everything seemed to be happening at once - it was all too fast. 

Drew was still sitting by the tree from where he propped himself up from earlier. God I wanted to go over and help him. His side was bleeding a little but none of the vampires seemed to even notice him, they were to content on fighting a group of humans. New borns and their bloodlust for a battle, never changes.

I didn't see the other Timid until he jumped down from one of the branches of a tree on top of an unsuspecting vampire and stabbed him straight in his heart. You wouldn't have been able to tell that he'd been fighting other than the occasional blood splatter across his shirt or on his cheek. Other than that, he seemed as though he could have just gotten out of bed or something.

Luke was pinning a vampire down by his throat, I knew what he was going to do far before it happened so I quickly looked away. Even though I was used to seeing him rip vampires' throats out, I still could never properly stomach it.

I took my attention away from Luke and his ripping of throats and glanced over at Laurence and Kier, who were surrounded by a group of vampires. Kier's face was filled with hatred as some tried to make advances towards them, but he kept on holding them back by jabbing his dagger in their direction. Laurence tried to keep his eyes on the fight at hand, but I saw that his eyes kept on darting in the direction of Hayley.

I followed his gaze to see her attacking a smaller group of vampires, but she didn't seem to be winning at first. Wow, she looked pretty awesome fighting - I shook my head. God this was not the time to be thinking about this! I started towards her, holding my stake tight in my hand.

"Hello there little human," Jared purred into my ear. I spun round, stake whizzing through the air in where his heart should be, but he wasn't there. I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Missed me."

God, this was never going to end unless I actually managed to kill him. Then I could go over and help Hayley... I smiled inside to myself, and made a quick mental note to maybe ask her out when all this is over. I mean, we didn't exactly start off on the right foot, but she's pretty cute and she seems awesome.

I was pulled out my thoughts by Jared spinning me round to face him, his stupid smile still spread over his face, "Did you know that when a human is changed into a vampire they possess a special ability? Mine for instance is telepathy so I think I should tell you that you and Hayley would never work out." My face must of gave away that what he had said had actually hurt because his smile turned into mock sympathy, "How about this. You become a vampire and you can be with her. She'll probably hate you, but you could turn her...and be together forever."

I snorted, "Hell no. Like I would ever become one of you. I'd rather die than that!" My grip on the stake tightened and I started to bring it up to attack him.

"You see, right now death would get you out of that.," and he lunged, biting down on my neck and I felt the venom running through my body. It was excruitiating and I wanted to scream, but it didn't seem like I was able to. All that happened was that my mouth opened into a silent scream, and I plunged my stake into his stomach, missing his heart by quite a bit off. He pulled away so my blood was visible on his chin and when he smiled his teeth were blood coated.

"But in order for you to become one of us, you've got to die."

My eyes widened. No, I need to get to Hayley, this can't be happening!

His hands came round my throat and I felt it snap.

*Hayley's POV*

I looked round, heart pounding at what I might see. 

It was Jared.

Holding Matt's lifeless body up before dropping it to the ground with a dull thud, his eyes meeting mine across the forest with a wicked grin spreading across his face.

Time seemed to stop as I took all this in. As Matt's body dropped his face spun round to face me and all I saw in his eyes was pure terror. My heart started beating faster and I felt my cheeks heating up fast as anger built up inside of me. Son of a bitch.

The most inhuman noise sprung up from inside of me and I charged forward at him, my make do stake in hand. His grin became wider as her opened his arms ready for my attack and collided with him. My stabbing was messy and pathetic as tears had begun to spring into my eyes and with every blow I delivered onto him it missed his heart and seemed to only happen around it and mostly in his stomach. He didn't seem to be feeling anything that was happening as he didn't fight back and stood there laughing at me.

"YOU KILLED HIM YOU BASTARD, YOU KILLED HIM," I hadn't realised that tears were going down my face until I tasted them.

He carried on laughing, shoving me back onto the ground, "Oh, does that make you upset little Hayley?" he knelt down beside me, "How many more people have to die before you'll just come back to the palace and do what you're supposed to?"

I snarled, only now driven by rage and staked him through his stomach, "I won't ever come back to that hell hole. Never!"

"Well, not on your going to come back on your own terms that's for sure," his eyes darkened and he scooped me up over his shoulder, "Let's get out of here!"

I struggled against him, pounding on his back with my fists, screaming as much as I could until I felt my throat burning.

"Hayley!" I recognised it as Laurence's voice, then heard foot steps running towards us through the forest - whether it was Laurence's or some of the vampires I don't know, but I didn't care. Just as I was about to yell back, Jared spun round and darted off through the trees, taking me away from Laurence... away from everyone back there.

Oh God, he was taking me back there.

*Cyrus's POV*

All I heard was "Let's get out of here!" and suddenly the vampires were darting off in various directions. We all heard Laurence scream Hayley's name and looked round to see her being taken away by Jared, then he started to run after them both, only to be stopped by Kier.

"She's gone Laurence..." he looked after them both, then back at him with pained eyes.

We'd all grown quite fond of her even though she'd only been here just over a day. I looked round again, letting Kier try to calm Laurence down a bit but with no success, and saw Luke helping Drew with his side and head.

"Matt?..." I glanced round again and saw him lying on the ground. So I ran over and dropped down by his side. He must of got hit pretty bad cause he was knocked out cold.

I carefully placed him onto his side, trying to wake him up. He didn't move. I furrowed my brow and sat him up on my lap, but the way his head rolled back and to the side I knew that he wasn't here anymore. 

Tears swelled up in my eyes, "Matt..." I whispered, shaking him lightly again, "Matt... Matt wake up...M-Matt please..." my voice was getting louder to the point where I was shouting and I had begun to shake him more violently than before. "MATT WAKE THE HELL UP! MATT!"

I knew I had drawn attention to myself from the others but I didn't care. All that mattered right now was Matt. That was it. I cradled him to me, and buried my face into his chest. It was only when I lifted my head up that I saw the tear stains on his shirt that had come from me.

Matt. My first best friend that I'd made. I didn't want to believe it, but it was happening. Well, it had happened. That was it. The tears were hot and I felt as though there was a massive lump in my throat that was just getting bigger and bigger. I looked down at Matt's lifeless body in my arms.

He was dead.

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