chapter 10

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*Cyrus's POV*

"Act cool Cy, you can do this. It's not big're doing this for Matt, for Hayley, for yourself..." that's just what I kept telling myself as I walked through and into the vampire region. It was the day after we'd made all the plans that were needed for getting here, and it was now nearing sunset, so there was a few vampires roaming around - but not too many. It's a good idea and a bad idea to come at this time I realised, but if I was walking through here in full blown sunlight I would definitely draw attention to myself. This is a good way. It is...

I stopped just outside the palace and gave myself a quick once over. Laurence had given me some tips on what to act like once inside the palace, and they'd all helped me pick out a disguise for making it through almost unseen. It was torn up and tattered brown trousers and a simple plain white t-shirt, nothing that would make me stand out. Drew had smeared some mud over my face and arms to try and camouflage myself in a bit more. He was also holding onto my goggles for me until I got back in case they got lost or damaged through here.

I'd been warned by Laur that I probably wouldn't like what I saw in reference to the people that the Cardinal had enslaved. But I was under strict rules from all the guys back home to get in, find Hayley, then get out - don't draw attention to myself, and whatever I do, to not get involved with anyone there. 

I looked around quickly before pushing away a stone that fell back into the wall that opened up to reveal a small passage way just like Laurence had said. I wasted no time and darted in, allowing the door to slide shut behind me and leaving me alone. 

"No turning back now Cy...just get in, find Hayley and go, that's all," I murmured to myself, before starting up the stairs just in front of me. The door at the top of the stairs had a very small light that was coming through, and that helped as I wasn't in total darkness down here. At the top of the stairs I was about to open the door when I heard sounded an awful lot like Jared. In fact, I was pretty sure that that's who it was.

"So now what? She knows you're back in town, and you're just going to let her off with a warning for running away?!" he snarled.

There was a pause before, "Jared, I'm fairly certain that what you did to her went through clearly about what will happen next time she runs away."

Jared's laugh was harsh, "Next time? Cardinal, please, there won't be a next time. Not for her, not for anyone else." Oh shit, The Cardinal was back?! This was not good, not good whatsoever. This would change all the plans because there would be more Heartatacks going about now that he was back. And what have they done to Hayley?! I needed them to move on so that I could sneak out and try to find her.

"Bold words, but in case she does, I will deal with her. Severely." a pair of footsteps stormed down the corridor, closely followed by another pair more lighter than the first. I waited for another minute or so before carefully opening the door and sneaking out. Only when I was on the other side and I'd shut the door that I realised how no one had found it before. It was hidden behind a picture of the whole of Grandomania - one that stretched from the floor to the ceiling, and was very impressive. I got lost in the design of what was in front of me that I almost missed the quiet cries and whimpers that was coming from another room down the corridor in the opposite way from which The Cardinal and Jared had just come.

I followed the noises until I came to a pair of large oak doors, and just as I was about to open them I noticed a small trail of blood in the form of footprints that were coming out the door. Once again, going the way that Jared had just gone. I couldn't wait any longer, I shoved the doors open and right in the middle of the room was Hayley. I was frozen by the sight of her.

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