Chapter 21

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*Laurence's POV*

It had been a week since Hayley was stabbed and the mood was still pretty dark and tense. No one wanted to really speak or bring up the topic all over again. But it seemed like today was the day that we would have to have it surface.

I was standing in my room, black suit and tie with a white shirt staring out the window and playing with the bandage that was wrapped round my knuckles and wrist. Nothing was really going through my mind. I couldn't be bothered to think or even go to where I was needed today, but I knew she would have wanted me to. That's what was keeping me going today. It's what she wants me to do.

I sighed and turned round to see Drew walking into the room. He was wearing a black shirt and trousers and the little blue blazer he'd wore the first time he met Hayley. His eyes were red and puffy which wasn't surprising from all the crying that he'd been doing, but he was trying his best not to smudge the thin layer of eyeliner that Cyrus had put on his eyes. He smiled a little at me as he came up to me and sorted my tie which up until this point had been slightly squint.

"C'mon Laur, you can get through today..." he said softly.

"I don't know if I can..."

He pulled me into a hug, standing on his tip toes to properly match my height but I couldn't even lift my arms or hands any more. I was basically a statue there. 

When Drew finally pulled away he looked out the window, his eyes tearing up again. I followed his gaze to see Kier, Cyrus, Luke and another friend of ours, Adam (another vampire killer like us), carrying out the coffin from our house. We both watched stony eyed and Drew started sniffing. I pulled him into a side hug before steering him out the room and starting for downstairs.

 My whole world had just come crashing down around me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. That was it. Everything that's happened has been because I killed Victor and... I shook my head, refusing to let any more tears fall from my eyes. I'd cried enough recently, there was no way I could cry any more now. I was so done with everything and near enough everyone. The only one's who I let even near me was Drew and that's only because he'd start crying if I turned him away.

I didn't know how the others felt really, only Drew again from the constant crying he'd been doing - that was kinda a give away of how his head was looking. Cyrus had mostly been locked in his room, Kier in his and Luke has been trying to keep us all from going insane by putting on a brave face and making sure we were all eating something once in a while, but even I'd heard him crying in his room some nights.

We walked outside and made our way down the little path to where we had set up the coffin on a funeral pyre and Kier was standing just to the left of it, ready to light it up when we were all ready to say our goodbyes for the last time.

Everyone was there, all dressed in black and all looking as grave as ever. No one wanted it to happen like this but we needed to make sure that the body wouldn't rise up again. It just couldn't happen. We stood for a moment in total silence before Kier lowered the flaming torch onto the wood and soon the whole pyre was aflame and burning brightly, consuming the coffin along with it.

No one moved. No one spoke as there was nothing much to say. We didn't know what to say is more like it, so we just stood and watched the flames. The coffin made creaking noises in protest as it got increasingly hotter and soon enough bits of the paint began to properly peel off and fall victim to the fire. Normally we wouldn't do something like this, have a funeral for someone, but it seemed only right that we should.

Finally Drew walked forward, plucking a single red rose from his jacket and threw it into the fire, "Goodbye Matt..." before turning and walking back to Cyrus' side.

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