Chapter 15

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*Hayley's POV*

As I made my way downstairs a hundred and one thoughts were swimming through my mind. The top one being oh my god, you just kissed the Prince. Pretty sure that that wasn't allowed. He was meant to marry someone that wasn't a common peasant and had money - I didn't have any of that. What the hell was I thinking?!

"Hayley!" the smaller brown haired Timid launched himself from the couch over to me and we stood there hugging when he finally reached me, "You're okay! You're okay..."

I smiled and squeezed him, burying my face into the crook of him neck, "Yeah, I'm good - thanks to you guys for coming in and getting me."

"Well, we couldn't just leave you there y'know," Kier chuckled from the kitchen door, "Come on, the foods almost ready."

Cyrus and Drew both made a dash for where Kier was standing, both trying to our do each other in getting there. Me and Luke just stood there laughing at the pair of them, more so when Drew gave up and ended up jumping on Cy's back as he went through then called, "I win!"

"Sure, or maybe I just let you this once," Drew chuckled.

"I will tickle you until you admit that I'm the one that won y'know."

Drew squeaked and called through, "Haaaayylleeey! Don't let him tickle me!"

Guess this was my cue, I was still laughing as I walked through to where the two of them were, seeing Drew trying to ward Cyrus off with a far it was going okay, but that may have been because he'd gone to get himself some food leaving Drew pacing round the other side of the table like a wild dog, his eyes alert.

"Drew, he's getting all the food," Kier mocked as he plated up some for himself, sitting down.

Drew pouted like a small child and stomped round to where he was, jabbing his side with the spoon before nudging him out the way and putting some food on a plate. Cyrus and Kier could only watch with a bemused expression at the little Timid.

"You guys are ridiculously cute, y'know..." I said, my voice coming out in just more than a whisper. I looked up and noticed that they'd all heard and I swear I've never seen someone's cheeks go as red that fast before until I saw Drew's. He just stood there frozen and bright, bright red. I had to hold back a smile, and I really tried but I knew one was creeping through anyways. He quickly scuttled away to the other side of the table and eating what was on his plate fast, trying his best to ignore what was just said.

Cy turned to me chuckling, handing me a plate of food, "Before Wooly takes it all for himself," he looked back at Drew, who now lowered his head even more and continued changing from pink to red. Oops, I guess that was kinda my fault there.

I smiled at Cy, then the food and felt my stomach rumble. I genuinely couldn't think of the last time I had something to eat...well before when I was taken to the palace that's for sure. I'm pretty sure the whole room heard my stomach as there were smirks on everyone's faces as they looked over at me. Oh god, I felt my cheeks burn bright red at the attention I was getting. I shuffled over to the table and sat down beside Kier.

"How you holding up then?" He murmured.

I gave a slight nod, "I'm doing okay...not a lot to tell to be honest..."

His brow furrowed a little, "I mean about what happened in the one can just get over what they've been through in there just like that. It's all may just be a painful memory now, but at some point or another you went through it..."

I hadn't looked at him since he started talking, just keeping my head down low and avoiding all eye contact. But the more he spoke the more I knew that he was right. I sighed into myself and felt my tears watering up. It was a memory. It was painful. And it had all happened.

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