Chapter 17

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*Hayley's POV*

I was warm and felt safe, those were the first thoughts that came into my head when I started to wake up. I started to move but froze in place when I felt something round my waist holding me back. I looked down to see a pair or arms encircling me trying to keep me close. I couldn't help but smile a little, but I could barely remember anything from the night before at first. I suddenly felt a bit chilly and I snuggled back down into the duvet and the arms. Why was I suddenly cold? Had I fallen asleep in my shorts again...dammit I really do do that a lot. I lifted the covers slightly to see why I actually was cold and felt my cheeks heat up as I realised I was totally naked.

Oh, so that was what had happened last night.

I twisted round ever so slightly to come face to...well, chest but I looked up to see Laurence lying there, still asleep. Wow, he looked so peaceful. I smiled at him and to myself before carefully untangling myself from his arms and shuffling out of bed. I grabbed one of his t shirts and a pair of shorts from the side and quickly carried them into the bathroom so as not be seen by any of the guys and turned on the shower.

I climbed in going straight under the warm water. This was my thinking time, my me time so to speak. As I washed the blood and dirt off of me I was thinking about last night. Laurence. Oh God he was amazing, that's for sure, and once again I couldn't help but smile a little. It had been a while since a guy had been like that, especially with me...sure made a difference that this guy wasn't a vampire... I shook my head and pushed that thought as far away as I possibly could. Laurence wasn't like that, he'd proven that last night. A quiet giggle escaped my mouth as I washed out my hair, god I'm being such a girly girl over this!

I didn't waste much more time after that, long showers just aren't my thing. I climbed out, drying myself off with a towel and running another through my hair so it wasn't as damp as it would have been had I left it. Once that was done I pulled on my underwear and one of Laurence's shirts. I looked at myself in the mirror, frowning at the reflection, the shirt was too big for me that was obvious... dammit how much weight did I loose when I was in that stupid palace?! Ugh, I hated the way I looked right now, it really was awful. I didn't look like myself: my eyes seemed lifeless, cheek bones were too sticky out, my hair was dying for a cut and I just looked like trash...what the hell did anyone see in me?' I was a total state! Tearing my gaze away from the mirror I pulled on my shorts then pulled my hair into a loose braid. Taking one last look at myself with disgust in the mirror I left the bathroom, walking back over to the room and hanging the towels over the back of the chair so they could dry a bit.

"Thought you'd left..."

I jumped at the sound of Laurence's voice then giggled quietly, "And where exactly was I meant to go? Downstairs or outside? Other than that there's nothing really that much more exciting y'know."

"Hm...but still, waking up and seeing that the girl you spent the night with isn't there does make you kinda feel like a one night stand guy."

I smiled at him and walked over, sitting over him to I was straddling his waist, "You, Mr Beveridge, are definitely not a one night stand guy," I leaned forward and kissed him gently which he returned and I felt him smiling into it. 

"Thanks for always having my back, Laur...and making sure I'm okay."

"It's not just me, y'know. The others did most of the work, I just helped," he lifted his hand up to my cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb, smiling softly, "I'm glad I found you in the forest."

"Me too...I'd be dead now if it wasn't for you."

"Don't think like that," he planted another quick kiss on my mouth and I couldn't help but blush a little. I lay down, putting my head on his chest and I felt him stroking my hair. Everything was perfect just the way it was, and I didn't want this to change.

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