Chapter 13

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*Laurence's POV*


Luke's voice pulled me out of my shocked trance and I properly took in everything that was happening...but wait, no this is something that couldn't happen! Hayley wasn't going to become a vampire. She wasn't going to die, and we were all going to get her out of here.

The most inhuman screech escaped from my lips and I dashed forward into the group of Heartatacks, killing any that tried to stop me. I saw the red fringe of Kier taking on the opposite side from me, the timids attacking from the left and Luke coming in from the right.

I felt the Heartatacks clawing against my neck and face, trying to stop me from reaching The Cardinal and Hayley in the middle, but I continued fighting them off. I was close. I could smell the blood. More than anything I was scared, mostly for Hayley and that's what kept me going through this. The Cardinal was now in full sight, only behind one more row of the Heartatacks.

Stabbing the last one in front of me through the heart I stepped forward to The Cardinal, He grinned over at me, his teeth and lower part of his face was now stained with blood.

"Why, hello there Laurence. Didn't think you'd quite make it through," he held up an unconscious Hayley who was limp in his arms, looking pale and had blood dripping out from two small puncture marks in her neck, "I take it you'll be wanting her then?" I nodded and he laughed, "Well, that won't be happening any time soon."

I growled and raised my stake, ready to plunge it into his heart just when Hayley opened her eyes and Kier managed to beat me to it, stabbing it straight through his back. Every Heartatack in the room suddenly stopped whatever they were doing and whoever they were fighting and turned to face us all in the middle. The Cardinal's mouth opened and shut like some sort of fish and he let her go. We both reached out to each other and I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly.

"You're okay Hayley, we've got you. It's going to be okay..." I kept on whispering to her, stroking her hair to try and stop her from shaking so much.

Kier pushed the stake further in and he let out a choked screech from the pain and his eyes never left Hayley, turning black. I held her closer to me and we all watched as he dropped to the floor. Kier, the Timids and Luke all gathered round in the middle where me and Hayley were, preparing to fight off anyone that came to attack. But no one moved.

"I would say thank you, you've done us all a favour." We looked over to were the large chair was to see Jared sitting on it, a wicked grin across his face.

"We've done nothing of value for you," Luke snapped, "And if we have we'll just undo that."

He laughed, "Undo what you've done? Unless you can reanimate the dead, then go ahead," Jared pointed down to The Cardinal, "He's gone. A common enemy has been defeated between us."

"Common enemy? You're his little lap dog though," Drew said, but cowered back when Jared fixed him with a piercing glare. Cy reached out to pull Drew close to him protectively, glaring straight back at him.

"I did what I had to to get where I am today. And look at things now, The Cardinal's gone and I can now be in charge."

There was a low grumble from all around, mostly from the Heartatacks, but no one could properly work out if they were agreeing with him or disagreeing.

"Well," I spoke up, "If it's all the same to you, we're just going to leave now...Good luck with ruling Grandomania though - you're sure going to have your hands full though."

As one we all turned and started back, the Heartatacks splitting and causing a path for us to all pass through. 

"Wait." Dam, knew it was too good to be true, "I don't want any of you stepping foot near here again."

Kier spun round to face Jared, "We won't, as long as you keep the hell away from all of us. Including Hayley."

"Done. Now get out of here."

We did exactly that and left. I had my arm round Hayley's waist to help support her as she walked as she was still looking pale. Cyrus and Drew took up the front of our group, making sure that we weren't stopped as we were walking out, not heading for the secret entrance but to simply the main doors. Kier and Luke were walking behind us and kept glancing behind us to make sure that none of the Heartatacks or Jared was following us. Thankfully, no one - or no thing was.

It got to the point however when we were walking down the corridors that Hayley's legs gave out and her head dropped forward. I picked her up bridal style so I could cradle her to my chest and followed after the Timids. I noticed that the two puncture marks were still bleeding slightly, but not as much as they had been when he had her, and that's what mattered. We had her, and she was going to be safe.

Once out the palace, Drew and Cyrus both broke out into a run scouting ahead then told us everything was okay and the three of us ran off after them, continuing through to the forest and then heading straight back to the house.

I just hoped that Hayley was okay.

*Jared's POV*

"Done. Now get out of here."

I watched as they all left, then motioned for a couple of Heartatacks to stand at the door so as they never came back and no one else got in. I sent all the others, par from two, back to their posts. I stood up and moved from the chair, down to where The Cardinal was.

I snorted and pulled out the stake from his back, shoving him over from his front, "You're pathetic, you know that? Can't even stay alive to kill the girl."

I kicked him in his stomach and his eyes snapped open, pitch black. I jumped back from him, "That's impossible...I watched him stake you."

He sat up, a small pool of blood forming from where he had been, "Kier didn't fully manage to get it through my heart. Lucky for me. Not for you." and with that he jumped at me, pouncing and slamming me against the floor, his hands wrapped tightly round my neck, "Pathetic am I? You can't even fight to save yourself!"

I grinned at him despite the pain that I was in and clicked for the Heartatacks to walk on over and yank him off of me, "You are pathetic though. Even your own Heartatacks have abandoned you and come over to work for me." I punched him clear in the jaw, causing his head to snap to one side. 

He smirked, spitting blood out and looked up at me, "Oh really? I created every single Heartatack in this palace. They owe you no allegiance, you piece of shit."

I felt my brow furrowing then the Heartatacks let The Cardinal go and walked straight over to where I was standing, forcing my arms behind my back to the point that I thought that they were going to break and onto my knees. The Cardinal stepped forward, cracking his knuckles and wrists.

"Like I said, no allegiance. And apparently, neither do you. You make me sick," he lashed out and struck me across the face with his nails and I felt them break through my skin, "And even you must know what the punishment for lack of faith in me is, don't you?"

I nodded, managing to whisper, "Death..."

His grin spread, "Indeed it is," he knelt down in front of me, "And you know what, that little promise you made to Kier and his precious little friends, I'm not going to see it through. No one gets away that easily from me. Especially fuckers like you, Jared."

"P-Please, please, I-I can change...I'll go after them, I'll kill them - just please..." I hated begging, but I didn't want to die. That's why I became a vampire, so I would live forever, never have to die and if anyone annoyed me - quite frankly - dispose of them.

He shook his head, reaching out and cupping my face gently in his hands, "I'm sorry Jared, you've been a very good companion these last few decades. Unfortunately after hearing and seeing what you'd do with me out of the way I can't have it."

"Cardinal, I promise, I won't do anything against you ever again. I swear it."

"Swear?" his head tilted to one side as he considered it. Jeez, if I had a heartbeat it would be going at a ridiculous speed right now. He held my life literally in the palm of his hands.

"I swear it."

He pondered this for another moment before shaking his head again, "No." I felt his hands tighten round my neck and a sharp twist to the side followed by a loud crack.

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