Chapter 12

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*Hayley's POV*

"Thank god for that, I've been waiting for a reason to kill that old git for years now. The Cardinal made it clear that you were not allowed to be harmed in any way whatsoever," Jared growled, "And you're not my most favourite person in the world - but even you should have standards as to how you die."

I was speechless, nothing seemed right to say to him at this point. I probably looked like a fish the way I was standing, open mouthed at the vampire. The vampire who had spent years of his life making mine a living hell had suddenly turned the tables and just saved me from another crazed vampire? Seriously, nothing was making sense right now! The ones that you expect to be the good guys turn out to only want to kill you because they're deranged psychos, the ones you expect to kill you save you from said psycho?!

Jared walked over, yanking the chains off of me with one swift movement - breaking them in his hands and he dragged me out of the cell, "The Cardinal wanted to speak to you, see if you've had some time to think about your actions from earlier."

"Some time?" I snapped him back to a halt' "How long have I been down there?"

His head casually tilted to one side, an amused expression crossing his face, "You mean you don't know?" I shook my head, "Why, you've been down there for almost two day...why that old rat bag didn't kill you why you were out, I have no idea." He picked up his pace again, dragging me down the hall.

TWO DAYS?!, no, no it couldn't have been two days. Only a few hours, yes that's all it's been. Jared's just trying to wind me up is all. Where was Cyrus? Laurence? Drew? Kier? Luke? Matt?
The last name made me physically flinch and tears appeared in my vision as I choked back sobs. Way to go Hayley, smart thing to do while you're being held captive by fucking vampires!

The massive oak doors opened to the main hall and The Cardinal sat on a large red chair at the other end, one leg crossed over the other and his hands clasped together in front of him, "Hayley, I see you've finally come around," he purred.

Jared chucked me to the ground in front of the chair then moved to his place which was at the side of him. I nodded, "Yeah, looks like I finally did then."

"You're a tricky one to keep up with you know, little miss," he smiled bearing his fangs, "and you just seem to be picking up enemies and people who hate you everywhere you go. Down in the cells for example - Joseph really didn't like you at all."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: SCREW YOU!"

As I screamed the last part at them, there was a loud crash behind me and the doors were flung open.

"Back the hell off of her, leech."

*Laurence's POV*

We all stood in the living room of our house, gathering weapons together: guns, stakes, swords, daggers, bows and arrows. This was going to be one of our most dangerous missions, especially now that The Cardinal was back and, according to Cyrus, he had shown an interest in Hayley.

Speaking of, I glanced round at him. He looked better that was for sure, not as tired looking and actually looked like he could win a fight against them. Drew was standing round by him, making sure he hadn't forgotten anything before they went out. He was being really protective over Cy, especially recently...I guess with everything that's happened we've all had different ways of coping with it. Drew's just happens to be making sure that his other timid was alright.

 It'd been two days since Cy had gotten back and he'd filled us in with all the details of where the guards were normally placed and where Hayley was when he had gone to find out where she was. There was no way in hell we were going to leave her any longer... more so me because of what Cy had said about her not lasting much longer. No way in hell was anything bad going to happen to her.

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