chapter 7

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*Hayley's POV*

Shit, shit, shit.

Every vampire that was currently in the forest eyes turned and settled on me. The one I hit I recognised almost immediately from before I came here.

Jared. That little shit. I didn't take my eyes away from him so I saw the grin that slowly spread across his face at the sight of me. "Well, well, well...little Hayley, isn't it? I haven't seen you in a long time. When was it last? The night I almost drained you?" his laugh came out harsh and I had to force myself from flinching.

"Sounds about right," my voice came out a little weaker than I meant it but I ignored it. All I had to do was make it sound tougher from here on out, "You should let them both go. Now."

He smirked and the one holding Matt sneered, "Oh really? And what exactly are you going to do about it if we don't...besides, we've come a long way and I'm becoming a little peckish..."

Matt visible flinched and tried to pull away from him, looking between Drew and me with scared and pleading eyes. The vampire's fangs appeared and he lifted his head up, ready to take a bite. I loaded the bow with an arrow as fast as I could, pulled it up and shot in the direction of him. He didn't even know what hit him. Literally. It pierced through his forehead and deep into his skull. I watched as his lips parted slowly in a silent scream then as his knees gave out and he collapsed onto the ground. Matt stood there in shock, splatters of the vampire's blood across his neck and face, not knowing whether to move or not.

In my mind I was screaming at him to run, but I never had a chance to shout it out loud as Jared spun away from his fallen comrade and darted forward towards me. Him using vampire speed didn't help either as all I saw was a blur, then felt a fist connect with my jaw as I was hurtled backwards. He jumped on top of me, wrapping both his hands round my neck and applying as much pressure as he could onto it. I fely myself let out a squeak, but that's all I could manage as the pain soon became unbearable and I started to see dots in my vision.

All of a sudden there was a loud bang and I felt his grip loosen, one hand disappearing from my neck - then a howl of pain. I took a massive gulp of air in while I had the chance and looked up to see blood coming out of Jared's shoulder.

"You've always been a thorn in our side, Jared," the voice hissed.

He climbed off of me and stumbled back ever so slightly yet still in arms reach of me, holding onto his shoulder. His hand was now covered in blood and his lips taken back into a snarl. I sat up a little and looked behind me to see Kier standing there with his gun still raised in the vampires' direction. The others must of heard the gun shot as they came running out of the house moments later, weapons at the ready.

Jared growled at Kier, then lashed out and dragged me to my feet pinning my back against him, "I wouldn't try anything silly...unless you want to see her, or your other two friends over there, get hurt." you could practically hear the smirk in his voiced.

He slowly started to back further into the forest and the group of vampires. We passed behind Drew, who was sitting against the tree - a hand clutched against his side and looking terrified. We stopped when we leveled with Matt, who was now being held by two vampires that had appeared from the forest obviously when the other had died.

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