Chapter 18

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*Cyrus's POV*

We followed Hayley out not long after we heard something smash. Could we not catch a break round here without something or someone breaking?

I froze in my place when I saw him. Matt. Matt, he was right there - he... he was alive.

No. No that couldn't be right. I watched him die, I was there when he died!

He looked away from Hayley and over to me, an adorable smile coming over his face, "Cy...Cy, it's you!"

A million and one thoughts were running through my mind and I just didn't know how to react in any way! Should I say something? Go over there and hug him? Punch him? How are you supposed to react in these circumstances?! You're best friend dies, then he comes back and starts acting as though nothing happened whatsoever?!

"Luke said he'd make us more pancakes as long as-" Drew stopped short behind me. I looked round at him seeing his eyes fixed on Matt and the rest of his body frozen.

"Hey Drew," was all Matt said to him.

I watched as my little timid's eyes began to tear up and he jumped over the couches and straight into Matt's arms for a massive hug. I watched his shoulders shaking as he cried into him, I guess that was the sort of okay way to react in this. Better than punching him at least - that was something. Hayley moved away from them both and over to me. I think I knew what was going on in her head - she'd been blaming herself for his death since it happened, but here he was. Seemingly good as new...or at least that's how he looked.

I pulled her into a hug, but she just stood there eyes glazed over and looking as though she'd just seen a ghost. In a way I suppose she had...

"So who was at the door?" came Laurence's voice from behind me as he walked into the room, and just like Drew he froze where he was, "Matt?!"

The scraping of two chairs came from the kitchen as Luke and Kier darted through, almost running straight into me and Hayley but I side stepped to let them past.

It was all quiet for what seemed like a very long time, no one wanted to speak or break the silence in any way. He was here. He was right there.

"How did you survive?" Luke said, his voice a bit frosty.

Matt shrugged, "I just woke up again...was I in some kind of coma or something? You're all acting as though I've been dead-" he was broken off by Drew's wails as he gripped tighter onto him, a dark wet patch forming on his t shirt from Drew's tears.

"You were dead."

That was enough to be said. Matt's already pale face became even paler and he swallowed a lump in his throat, "Well...dam, I thought it wasn't true..."

"We buried you Matt... how are you walking around again?" Kier said as he walked behind me and over to the weapons cabinet, keeping his pace slow.

Matt followed his every movement with his eyes, carefully shrugging Drew off of him, "All I know is that I woke up in the middle of the forest underground, Kier... and that's something I'd prefer not to do again."

"It won't happen again Matt..." Hayley said quietly, finally coming out of her trance like state and looking over at him, a small smile on her face.

"Thanks Hayley... Listen guys, I'm really sorry that I-" he coughed, running a hand through his hair, "I... um, let you guys watch me die."

"It's not exactly your fault," I heard myself saying. He smiled and opened his mouth to reply to me when Kier cut in.

"Sorry Matt, but you know how we run things here, and we can't take any chances, can we?" and from the top of the drawer he pulled a gun, aiming it straight at Matt and firing.

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