Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to Fiona Reid

*Hayley's POV*

Ow, ow, ow! I'm pretty sure arms weren't meant to bend this way whatsoever, and it was painful. Thank God he was walking at normal speed otherwise I'm pretty sure my arm would have been yanked out the socket. However my feet were barely touching the ground as we were going, and simply skimming across the forest grounds. In my hand I gripped the glass and thought about when the best moment to strike would be...I needed a plan, a diversion I some kind.

God, I was going to regret what I was about to do so much. I let my knees give out and made a quick gash in my leg with the glass. I pulled The Cardinal back from the sudden force of my halt. He looked back at me as I clutched my leg, The Cardinal now smelling the blood that was slowly streaming down my leg. I watched as his eyes darkened then turned black as his eyes never left the trail of blood. Yup, gonna regret this if he gets carried away with himself.

"I don't think I can walk any more with this," I winced and looked down at it, more blood pouring out. Dammit, didn't mean to make it that deep.

"I'll just have to carry you then," he mumbled, seemingly entranced by the blood flow, but after a moment he tore his eyes away and bent down.

"Hell no!" I shuffled away, not wanting him to lay a hand on me. But as predicted I was too slow and he pulled me back, lifting me off the ground and into his arms.

Now was my chance. I stabbed The Cardinal in the neck with the piece of glass, embedding it deep within. He howled in pain and dropped me onto the hard ground beneath me and I let in a sharp intake of breath as I landed on my back. I wasted no more time than necessary  and sprinted off. So far so good I think, the only thing that was screwing up my plan was the gash in my leg. It was slowing me down and in no time The Cardinal would smell the blood and catch up to me.

I stopped out of sight from him and tore a bit from my top, long enough so that it would go all the way round my leg and tie to stop any more blood. I ripped another piece off and wiped the dripping blood from my leg, tossing it in the other direction from where I was running. Hopefully The Cardinal would catch onto that scent and try following that one, rather than actually me. A deafening screech is what made me snap out of sorting my leg. The Cardinal had gotten the shard out from his neck. I was running out of time.

I was off again. Wow, this felt a hell of a lot like deja vu from earlier this month with Victor. God, I hope this didn't become a thing. All right, focus Hayley. I tried, really I did, but right now all I could think about was that kiss with Laurence. Considering the circumstances I was in at the moment I really don't know why the hell I would be, I just was. Wait, I thought back to when I first got here and what we all spoke about. He's a Prince, but I was taken from my family when I was younger - a family that I don't remember but that wasn't the point. Matt had mentioned me being something like a princess? But that would mean, I could...I could go out with Laurence and not be worried about this whole status thing. Somehow that's what made me keep running. I had to get through this alive, to see him again. To see them all again.


I think not, I was running through the trees which I'd tried my best to remember from when he was dragging me through here. I froze up when the house came into view, had I really done it? Let's not wait and find out. I took one step forward when a body came crashing into my side, fangs bared and snarling.

"You've been a really thorn in my side, bitch!" No, he'd gotten to me. No, no, no! I was so close! Only one thing left to do. I was wrestling on the ground with him, the glass shard I noticed was still sticking out from his neck from where he was probably unable to get it out.

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