Chapter 19

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A/N: some reference to self harm in this chapter

*Drew's POV*

"Cy?..." whoa, was that my voice? Yeah, sounded like it, only a lot weaker. I looked around but could hardly see anything that was in front of my own hand... Everything was dark and I was pretty dam confused. Where the hell was I? Nothing looked familiar at all.

"You don't belong here."

I spun round, expecting to see someone standing there but there was nothing, no one. I don't know why but a small whimpering sound escaped my lips and I backed away, not really expecting to go anywhere. Despite there being nothing there before though I bumped into something.

"You shouldn't be here." I looked round to see a girl standing there, dressed head to toe in red with black hair and eyes. Well this isn't creepy.

"Who are you?" I squeaked, backing away again to where I originally was.

"YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" She screamed, darting forward towards me.

I tried to move again, get away from this strange girl but felt a searing pain went through my chest and I exhaled sharply. Jesus Christ that hurt.


The voice sounded far away and concerned but it seemed familiar... I knew that voice, but where from? God, that girl was getting closer to me. Somehow I'd managed to move a bit more away from her ignoring the pain in my side and focusing on keeping my distance between us.

"Drew? Are you there...?"

CYRUS! That name, that man I had so many memories, it was his voice and that was him! My mind was screaming for me to answer him, wanting desperately to be heard again, but no matter how hard I was trying nothing was working: my mouth, hands, feet - NOTHING!

"For God's sake Drew, you better wake the fuck up," Cy said again, his voice choked with tears. Shit, please please don't cry... I had to wake up! I can't let him be like this. I was okay, I was awake - well kind of - and I could hear him. But he couldn't hear me? Ugh, just my bloody luck!

The room around me was pitch black so I didn't even know if there was solid floor beneath me, regardless I took the chance and started walking forward to where the sound of his voice was supposedly coming from.

"Drew please... I can't do this without you..."

Oh no, I knew what that meant. I broke off into a run, ignoring the burning sensation that was filling up in my chest. The crying sounds were closer now but something stopped me as I crashed into it, propelling myself backwards and onto the floor. A groan escaped my lips as I sat up. There was nothing there that could possibly have stopped me! I crawled across the floor slightly and my head bumped into it again. It was literally an invisible wall - and Cyrus was on the other side of it.

"OH COME ON!" I screeched, slamming my fists repeatedly against it. He was right there. I let out another scream and kept pounding my fists off the wall, but it wouldn't budge, wouldn't move at all.



No sounds were coming from any other points in this black room which I could only assume now was my mind... There was nothing and no one to help me. Hell I'd even take the girl for helping - ha, wait, no. I'd rather she be totally gone... I looked round but the girl was definitely gone and I let out a sigh of relief. However there was still one problem: Cy was out there and I was trapped in here alone... No sounds, no imaginary people, no Cyrus.

I was alone.

*Cyrus's POV*

He wasn't waking up...he wasn't going to ever wake up. That was it, he was gone. I stood up from the bed and threw the chair across the room and to the wall where it split into multiple pieces.


The tears were hot and heavy as they ran down my cheeks. I had an alternative to feeling like this but Drew didn't like me doing it. Hell, no one that actually knew liked me doing it - myself included - but it was my release and hell, right now I needed it more than ever. I took one last look at Drew before sliding off the bed and onto the floor, grabbing a small wooden box from under the bed. My little treasure chest. I opened it and skimmed my eyes over the objects that through the years I had collected and meant something to me, mostly good memories. The only bad one in the whole thing was that little piece of metal hidden beneath the pictures of me and all my friends.

I pulled it out and played with it between my fingers, watching as the light danced across it's bladed edge. It'd been nearly five years since I'd resorted to something like this - I'd given up for Drew when I saw his face when he caught me in the act, since then I'd made a promise to myself never to do it again... Looks like I can't keep promises all right. I put the blade against my arm and closed my eyes.


My eyes flew open and I whisked my head round to Drew. He'd spoke! I shoved the blade back into my box and pushed it back under the bed, hopping up onto it. This was it, oh my god he was going to wake up!

"Drew, sweetheart, I'm here... I'm here." Shit, he looked terrible.

He slowly opened his eyes to hardly more than a slit and looked up at me, a weak smile across his face, "Hey th..there."

"Don't strain yourself, it'll do you no good... I'll go and get you some water."

"N-No.." his hand slowly lifted and took mine, "St-...ay."

I sighed and carefully shifted the smaller boy to the side so I could lie beside him with him on my chest. I felt him snuggle down into it, his fists gripping onto my shirt as though I was going to leave him, which I would never do. He felt so fragile in my arms, like if I was to move him the wrong way he'd break and that would be that. I really wanted to go downstairs and punch Kemp, then Matt because it was both of their faults that Drew was in this position but luckily for them I didn't.

"Cy..." his voice sounded a little stronger now, not as weak as it had been at first.

"What is it, beautiful?" I said, brushing a stray piece of hair out of his eyes.

"If something h-happens that you have to g-go..." his voice broke a little there and he winced, "P-please don't let the girl get me again..."

I frowned and shook my head, not exactly clear on what he was meaning, "Hayley?" he shook his head then buried it into my chest. The girl? I sighed and hugged him a little closer to me but not tight enough I'd put pressure on his wound, "I promise, no one's going to get you. Not while I'm here or not. I'll always protect you my little timid."

He smiled up at me, his cheeks slowly returning back to their normal colour slowly, before his eyes drooped and he fell back asleep. I gently kissed the top of his head whispering, "You're safe with me..."

This gave me some thinking time to myself now that I knew he was going to be a bit better since waking up... well I was optimistic at least about his situation. I lay back and just let my mind take over, all kinds of thoughts going in and out of my head. It was now totally dark outside and somewhere in the distance I heard a couple of wolf howls... full moon? Yup... huh, I've never seen a werewolf before, but I would say their not real. Then again, I said that about vampires and that didn't exactly turn out totally right.

One question was burning through all of these though: who was this girl he was talking about? He said it wasn't Hayley, other than that there's not many other girls that we properly know enough for him to be that scared of one.

I'd deal with it in the morning. Downstairs I could still here Matt and Luke jabbering away about God only knows what. Laurence and Hayley were talking quietly next door but that soon died down and I could eventually hear his light snores. I didn't know where Kier was, and quite frankly right now I didn't care. I closed my eyes and nestled back into the mattress, causing Drew to stir a little and his hands clench up tighter round my shirt. I smiled a little and just let my mind wander some more until I could fall asleep. Wasn't until then that I actually realised how tired I was and just let sleep consume me.

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