chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to William Robertson

A/N quick note for the dedication for a truly awesome guy!! He helps give me confidence to keep on writing :) xx


"Hey Daddy, I drew you a you like it?" she handed over the small drawing that she had spent all day on. It was of herself, her mother and father, all together.

He didn't look up, his stony gaze just fixed straight ahead - looking at nothing in particular.

"Daddy? I thought you would have liked it because mummy's in it..." her voice trailed off when she mentioned her mother. It had been around half a year since she'd died, but the King still refused to talk about, all his intentions fixed on finding out who had killed her. He was convinced that it was no accident that she had died, no matter what any doctor or nurse would say to him. In his eyes, they were all wrong.

At the mention of his wife his gaze slowly turned towards her, venom clear in his eyes. No one mentioned her. No. One. "What did you just say?" his voice was calm, yet shaky and his stare cold and icy.

"I-I drew a picture...o-of me, you a-and m-mummy..." she whispered.

He sprung up, face now red and shouting, marching towards her as she scrabbled back across the tiled floor of his room, "How dare you mention her! You have no right to do such a thing! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!"

Tears were forming in her eyes, scared of what her dad was saying, "D-Daddy, I just thought-"


She didn't look back or even question it - she just ran as fast as she possibly could out of the room, out of the palace, and then she just kept on running. Her mind was spinning and tears were rolling freely down her cheeks as she made her way into the forest and through the trees. By the time she'd stopped and looked behind her, there was nothing to be seen of the town or palace because of the trees.

The young princess just collapsed in a heap on the undergrowth, crying her eyes out and clutching the drawing to her chest, "What have I done? Why does he hate me so?..." she whispered through her tears, "I didn't mean to do anything wrong..."

"You didn't do anything wrong you's not your fault that he's a stupid, old man," a voice from behind her came.

She spun round and was face to face with The Cardinal, someone who was not an allie with the kingdom, "W-What are you doing h-here?"

He smiled, showing all of his teeth, "Why, my dear, I think I should be the one asking you that. You see, I live out here while you, on the other hand, do not," his eyes flickered to the drawing that she was grasping, "Did Daddy and you have a fight, little one?"

She looked down, no longer wanting to talk to anyone - especially him of all people. "He's not a good man, Hayley, he's bad." she clenched her eyes closed as more tears threatened to spill down her face and just kept on thinking, "Bad. Bad. Bad."

She heard him move and when her eyes opened he was kneeling right in front of her, smile softer and not as imtimidating as it had been. It seemed more sympathetic, "I'm not a bad man, little one...I promise you that."

"B-But my D-Daddy says that y-you are..." her voice came out weaker than she wanted it to sound and she mentally scolded herself.

The Cardinal reached out and took the drawing off of her, looking down at it, "If I was truly the bad man, then why am I the one that came out to comfort you when you ran away and not your father?" he had a smug look upon his face, but kept it hidden until he looked up and his sympathetic mask washed over his face once again.

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