chapter 4

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Hayley's POV

I began to wake up but something wasn't quite right. The ground beneath me wasn't hard and stony, but instead it was soft and for once in what seemed like a very long time, I wasn't cold. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around: I was inside, on a bed. And I was in clean clothes.

I sat upright and I got my first proper look around. I was in a double sized bed with a big fluffy blue duvet in a fairly large room. There was a chair just to the left of the bed that had more clean clothes on it including a hoodie. I jumped off the bed and immediately put it on, snuggling into it. It was pretty big for me but I didn't care because it was warm, soft and I didn't feel vunerable with it on. I looked down to see that it went past the shorts that I had on...I was also clean, there was no mud or blood covering my legs as there should have been. I rolled up the hoodie sleeves to see that my arms were also clean, other than the scars. 

I frowned slightly, confused. Who had done this? And where was I? I walked towards the door and just before I opened it I heard people talking behind it. 

"Who do you think she is?" one voice said.

There was a pause before another voice pitched in, "I'm not sure. I could go into town and find out if that would help?"

"Drew already went and he said that he hadn't seen any posters with her on them, and no one has even heard of her." the first voice said

"I'm not sure...what are we going to do?"

"I don't know...We just need to find out where she came from and get her back home," a third voice chipped in.

My eyes widened and I stepped back from the door, putting my hands up to cover my mouth to stop myself from shouting out.

No. No way, I could not go back there. Had he hired them to bring me back? I felt tears begin to prick at my eyes just at the thought of seeing him again. I had to get out of here now. 

I quickly ran my eyes over the room: there was only the one door that I was standing beside and a small window at the other end of the room. I knew just from looking at it that there was no way I was going to get through that. I'd have to make a run for it and get out of here before they took me back. They couldn't make me.

I burst through the door, earning a surprised yelp from someone but I ignored it and began to run towards the front door. As I approached it however, someone jumped in my way and I skidded to a stop. I backed away, pure fear going through me and I spun to get away but someone else grabbed me by my shoulders. On instinct I screamed and lashed out at whoever it was that had a hold of me.

There was sounds of feet running down the stairs and I risked a look up. It was the guy that had gotten me out of the woods...Laurence? I wrestled out of whoever it was grip and darted over to Laurence, hugging him tightly. It was only at this point that I actually realised tears were going down my cheeks.

"P-please don't let them take me back, please d-don't," I whispered into his chest.

I felt his arms wrap round me, and I was ninety percent sure that during the silence that followed they were all giving each other looks but I didn't care. Laurence was the only one that I actually knew and sort of trusted out of everyone in the room.

After what finally seemed like hours, he finally spoke, "I'm not going to let anyone get you...but everyone in this house you can trust Hayley, I promise, " his voice was gentle and made me feel safe in his arms.

I looked up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile, so I nodded and glanced round to see five faces. The first one who was standing by the door was tall, had brown hair and a beard. From where I could see his eyes were a dark brown and he looked like he could have been the oldest out of them all from the way he was watching over the other four guys in the room. He had a dark blue shirt on with braces attached to a pair of black skinny jeans and black boots.

The one across from him had fluffy light brown hair and sat on top of them wear a pair of goggles. He had a white shirt underneath a grey waistcoat, a leather bullet bracelet on his wrist and a bullet belt holding up his jeans, which like the guy at the door were also black skinny jeans and he black trainers. He had soft brown eyes with red eye liner just under it and a small smile was playing over his face...I guess he wasn't going to be too scary.

The one that I guessed I'd pretty much wrestled with was standing holding his hand from where I'd twisted it had ruffled looking brown hair and brown eyes that matched that of the one before. His black shirt and jeans matched that of his eye make up and on top of that he wore a dark blue blazer, but other than the rest of them he had scruffy white trainers.

The guy beside him had a bright reed fringe and big brown eyes, a small smirk spreading over his face when he was looking over. He was dressed totally in black: shirt, waistcoat, jeans and boots. The only thing that wasn't was a red and black scarf round his neck.

The last one in the room had dark brown hair with blue streaks through it and piercing green eyes, with a pretty cute face. He had a blue shirt on that matched his hair with dark blue skinny jeans...something tells me everyone in this house wears skinny jeans from the looks of things. He had a black waistcoat on and pinned to it ws a pocketwatch that was designed with floral patterns and a sun.

As I was looking round Laurence was there pointing them out, "Luke...Cyrus...Drew...Kier...and Matt."

I gave a small smile at each of them, ", sorry about...e-everything."

Drew smiled from across the room, "Don't be sorry, you were scared. It's understandable." This was met by nods and smiles from everyone else in the room.

"I'm Hayley and I-"

Suddenly Matt jumped up from where he was sitting, "Hayley! I knew it was you but I wasn't..." everyone in the room looked at him confused. He sighed, "Do you all remember the last King who died? Well, this is his daughter. The one that died three years ago."

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