You're dismissed

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*Here is just a clip so it's short but it gives you an idea*

Luke walked into the office and looked at the red head at the receptionist desk.

"Karen, anything I should know?" Luke asked.

"Uh, Morning Mr. Hemmings. Today is interview day. You have ten interviews lined up." Karen said holding out a file with a list of names and resumes.

"How wonderful." Luke sneered taking the file.

"Mr. Hemmings, your coffee." Luke's assistant spoke holding a coffee.

"Venti hazelnut latte with coconut milk?" Luke asked taking the steaming cup.

"Yes sir, same as every day." The brunette nodded.

"Good, now take these to my office." Luke handed the boy the file Karen had given him.

"Oh and Ryan?"

The brunette turned to Luke.

"No more white pants, this is a business if I wanted to know you wear tighty whities I'd ask for your number." Luke said before turning away.

"Yes sir." Ryan answered in embarrassment.

"Put out a hiring listing for an assistant." Luke said turning to Karen before walking off.

Ashton took a deep breathe as he walked into the large building. He adjusted his tie and walked to the desk.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Hemmings office." Ashton spoke trying to hide any nerves in his voice.

"Top floor." A lady spoke without looking up.

Ashton walked towards the elevator and took it to the top floor. As the doors opened he felt a wave of nausea. He had wanted to work for GQ for the longest time and Luke Hemmings was the CEO of Versace and GQ was coupled with Versace and also run by Luke Hemmings.

"Hello, My name is Ashton Irwin. I'm here about a job for GQ." Ashton spoke to a red head at the front desk.

"Ah, Mr. Irwin, nice to meet you. I'm afraid the position you put in for has been filled. However a new position just opened up this morning. I know Mr. Hemmings is eager to fill it if you'd be interested. It could also give you an advantage to get into GQ if you're already working here." Karen smiled sweetly.

"Okay, sure, what is the position?"

"Personal assistant." Karen answered before dialing on her phone.

"Mr. Hemmings, I have someone here to interview for the assistant position that opened up this morning."

"Yes, sir." Karen put the phone back in the receiver.

"He'll be with you in a moment." Karen smiled as she pointed to a set of chairs.

"Send him in." Luke said over his receiver. He sifted through some prints on his desk as he waited.

"Mr. Hemmings it's a pleasure to meet you. I-"

"Save it." Luke waved a dismissive hand not looking up.

"Sit." Luke pointed to the chair opposite his desk still not looking up.

Luke continued to look through his papers when there was a knock at his door.

"Mr. Hemmings, there is someone on line three for you." Ryan spoke.

"Line three?" Luke asked looking up and at Ryan.

"Y-yes sir." Ryan stuttered.

"How many times do I have to tell you no more than two lines. If you can't help them take their information and hang up. Do not keep them waiting." Luke spoke harshly.

"I'm sorry sir. Won't happen again." Ryan bowed his head apologetically.

"I know." Luke muttered as he waved Ryan away and took the call.

"Luke Hemmings."

"Leliana, what a delight." Luke spoke with no enthusiasm.

"I'm aware of that."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you there." Luke rolled his eyes before hanging up.

"Ryan." Luke called out still not having acknowledged the curly haired brunette at his desk.

"Y-yes sir?"

"If Leliana calls what are you supposed to do?" Luke asked annoyed.

"Take her message."

"Correct, so why did you have me take her call?" Luke asked. His tone was eerily calm yet incredibly intimidating.

"She was very adamant." Ryan said in his defense.

"So am I. Get out." Luke ordered pointing Ryan away. Ryan scurried out the door as quickly as he could.

"Now, you are?" Luke frowned at Ashton.

"Ashton Irwin." Ashton spoke clearly.

"Ashton, tell me why you want this position."

"I actually applied for the GQ writers position but it was filled."

"You have a love for fashion then?" Luke asked raising a brow.

"More a love for Writing. My mother worked for Prada for a long time so I was always around fashion." Ashton answered.

"So I have your resume already then?" Luke asked sifting through the resumes he left untouched.

"Yes sir."

"Ashton Irwin." Luke said as he landed on Ashton's resume.

"Let me see here." Luke scanned the paper quickly.

"You're resume is very basic. I assume you can do more than this states."

"Yes sir, that resume was more tailored towards the writing job." Ashton nodded.

"This says you can start as early as tomorrow." Luke noted.

"Yes sir."

"Could you stay for the rest of the day to get a feel for things?" Luke asked raising a brow at Ashton.

"Yes, I'd be honored." Ashton smiled.

"Ryan, in my office." Luke called out not looking away from Ashton.

"Yes sir?" Ryan asked walking through the open doors of Luke's room.

"You are being dismissed." Luke said looking to the guy standing in his door.

"I'm-I'm sorry?" Ryan asked.

"Do I really need to break it down for you? You're fired." Luke snapped.

Ryan's face looked shocked.

"This is your replacement. Now usually I have the assistant run through the process with the newer one but you have by far been the worst and I can't bare to deal with you a minute longer. You have less than ten minutes to get your things and get out of my sight." Luke spoke harshly.

Ryan without another word left Luke's office.

"Congratulations Braxton, you now have a job. I'll have someone show you around."

"Uh, it's Ashton. And thank you so much."

Luke waved a dismissive hand and he turned back to his work.

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