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Ashton exchanged a confused glance with Calum. Ashton wanted to ask questions but he knew Luke wasn't one for questions.

Ashton grabbed his cell phone and was about to dial Leliana's number when Luke snatched the phone from him before pointing to the phone on his desk.

"Use my phone." Luke said taking a seat in his chair one again as he dialed a number and set the phone to speaker.

"Luke, darling, you never call this late. In fact you never call at all." Leliana's voice spoke through the speaker of Luke's phone.

Luke nodded for Ashton to speak.

"Oh, umm, it's not Luke actually." Ashton said slightly nervous.

"Ashton? Why are you calling me from Luke's desk phone?" Leliana asked.

"How do you know where I'm calling you from?" Ashton frowned.

"I have all his numbers programmed into my phone. Shouldn't you have left the office by now? Don't tell me he's taking advantage of your hard work ethic again."

Luke rolled his eyes.

"Uh, no just getting some things taken care of, listen I'm calling about tonight. I'm gonna have to cancel. Luke needs a few things for him. They really can't wait." Ashton said choosing his words carefully.

"Cancel?" Leliana repeated.

"But I was so looking forward to tonight." Ashton could practically hear her pouting through the phone.

"I know, I was too. I'm sorry." Ashton bit at his bottom lip.

"Do you promise to reschedule?" Leliana whined.

"Of course. I think I'm free Wednesday." Ashton said.

Luke shot him a look and shook his head no.

"Oh, actually not Wednesday, Thuuurrs, Friday isn't good know why don't I just call you later once I know for sure." Ashton said as Luke shook his head at him.

"Humph, fine." Leliana huffed.

"Is Luke there so that I may speak with him please?" Leliana asked in an annoyed tone.

Luke smiled and nodded at Ashton.

"Yeah, I'll get him for you." Ashton answered.

Luke put Leliana on hold.

"Good, now you two go grab something to eat from downstairs and be cleaned up and ready to go by four."

"We just ate a bit ago." Ashton objected.

"Trust me you need to eat." Luke said waving them away.

"Oh and Ashton." Luke said causing Ashton to stop walking.

"Wear those shoes I told you to get earlier."

Ashton nodded before following Calum out of Luke's office.

Once Luke was sure Ashton and Calum were out of earshot he put Leliana back on speaker.

"Leliana, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Luke asked rolling his eyes.

"You little snake." Leliana hissed.

"Whoa, what's with the hostility."

"You think I don't know what you're doing. Not letting Ashton go out with me. He is not yours to control." Leliana snapped.

"You two are dating? That's news to me." Luke feigned ignorance.

"Oh stop it. He called from your desk phone. I'm not stupid." Leliana snapped again.

"Yes he did, simply because I told him he could. We have a meeting at five and we won't be done until very late and I need him there. Simple as that." Luke said his tone even.

"I'm not buying that for a second. Look, I don't know what game you're trying to play but leave Ashton out of it. He doesn't deserve your asshole attitude." Leliana barked to Luke's surprise.

"Hold on just a second, missy, you are the one that is using him trying to get your little nose where it doesn't belong. Don't act like you care anything for Ashton. He's just a pawn you're using to try and manipulate me. Let me remind you he's nothing of importance here. I can replace him just as quickly as I did the last three." Luke sneered.

"Oh but Luke, darling that's where you're wrong. You and I both know he's not going anywhere. You like him too much to just toss him like you did the last few. I saw the way you were looking at him the night of the gala. And he was wearing white today. That is a strict rule of yours. No white in the workplace and yet he looked awfully nice." Leliana's tone was overly sweet.

"What are you trying to insinuate Leliana?" Luke growled.

"I'm not insinuating anything, simply stating the facts. You can't keep him away from me forever." Leliana answered simply.

"I'm not trying to keep him away from you. I genuinely need him this evening. Speaking of which I should be going. But understand this Leliana, I won't allow you to use my employee's against me. Have a good night." Luke sneered before ending the call.


"Calum he used my name." Ashton said as he and Calum loaded the car with their things.

"I've never heard him use my name before. I'm a little nervous. What is going on tonight that he has to keep it so secretive?"

"I'm telling you Ash, I think he likes you." Calum shrugged.

"Ugh, we've been over this Cal, he definitely doesn't. Besides he knows I'm sort of talking to Leliana, he's probably just not happy about that, what with her being competition and all." Ashton sighed.

"Yeah, speaking of, what's up with you and her?" Calum asked eyeing his friend.

"I'm not sure. She just showed up today and made plans for us tonight. I obviously had to cancel but I dunno, she's nice and funny and gorgeous." Ashtons shrugged.

"You don't think she has some sort of ulterior motive do you? Like trying to get information about stuff like tonight?" Calum asked as nonchalant as he could.

"You don't think she could just like me for me?" Ashton asked with a frown.

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all, I'm simply being cautious something you don't do often." Calum pointed out.

"Says the man who is trying to convince me Luke Hemmings is crushing on me." Ashton chuckled rolling his eyes.

"I just think you should be careful of this Leliana chick until you know more about her." Calum stated with a shrug.

"Well in order to get to know more about her, I'm gonna have to date her." Ashton smirked.

Calum rolled his eyes but didn't respond. He knew if he kept pushing the issue Ashton would get suspicious and Calum refused to tell him that Luke had asked him to convince Ashton to stay clear of Leliana.


Okay here is a tiny update. I'm sorry it has been so long, I hope this will tide you over until I get the next one up!

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