A model indeed

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The car ride was silent. Ashton wanted to ask where they were going and what was so important but he knew better. Luke was concentrating hard on his tablet.

"Ashton, the files I told you to send to Louis Tomlinson's office did you do it?" Luke asked looking up from his computer.

"Yes sir." Ashton nodded.

"And the shipment I had you deliver to that address yesterday?" Luke asked still looking at Ashton.

"I delivered directly to Mrs. Jade Thirlwall." Ashton answered.

Luke said nothing as he turned back to his tablet.

Calum cleared his throat.

"I uh, have to ask, why do you want us to help you with this?"

Luke looked up at Calum and sighed.

"I don't trust anyone else." Luke answered.

"I don't understand the big deal here it's just modeling right?" Ashton asked. He immediately regretted it.

"No, it's not just modeling." Luke snapped.

"If I don't land these model's I lose millions."

"Can't you just find models elsewhere?" Calum asked trying to take the heat off of Ashton.

"No." Luke snapped turning back to his tablet.

Ashton sighed and leaned his head back. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth. What he was about to say could very well get him fired.

"If you're going to trust us, you should probably trust us with the truth."

Luke put his tablet down and looked at Ashton who looked over nervously.

Luke looked pissed.

Calum looked surprised.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." Ashton apologized as he played with the button of his shirt.

Luke tossed a glance at Calum who gave Luke and 'I told you so' look. Luke sighed before reaching over and stopping Ashton from his fiddling.

"No, don't apologize. You're right, however this is incredibly confidential and I can't tell you. All I need you to do is promise me you won't say a word about any of this to anyone." Luke said in a very serious tone.

"I won't." Ashton shook his head.

"Especially not Leliana." Luke sneered at her name.

"I would never tell her anything. She's competition, I know better than that." Ashton said with a slight frown.

"Well you didn't know better than to make out with her in my office." Luke snapped as the car came to a stop.

Ashton looked mortified. He had hoped Luke wouldn't have seen that.

Luke stepped out followed by Calum and then Ashton.

"Follow me." Luke said seriously as he lead them into a large building.

"Mr. Hemmings glad to see you could make it." A tall dark haired guy spoke.

"Mr. Malik, Mrs. Thirlwall." Luke nodded.

"Mr. Irwin, how good to see you again." Mrs. Thirlwall smiled extending her hand towards the brunette.

"The pleasure is mine." Ashton smiled taking her hand and kissing the back.

"Who is this lovely man?" Mrs. Thirlwall asked turning to Calum.

"This is Calum hood one of my models for this evening." Luke answered.

"Model indeed." She smiled before turning to Luke.

"Just one model this evening?" She asked curiously.

"You usually bring three or four." Mr. Malik noted.

"I only have two tonight." Luke spoke gesturing towards Calum and Ashton.

"I thought Ashton was your personal assistant?" Mrs. Thirlwall asked.

"He's much more than that. He's my go to guy and look at him. He should be a model." Luke smiled.

"Have you ever modeled before?" Mr. Malik asked.

Ashton cleared his throat uneasily.

"Yes, my mother worked with Prada for a while. I was a model for them for about 3 years. This was a long time ago." Ashton answered.

"How old were you?" Mr. Malik asked.


"Hmmm, and you?" He turned to Calum.

"I modeled with him. but only for two years. I was also sixteen." Calum answered.

"Well then, this should go splended." Mrs. Thirlwall smiled sending Calum a wink.

"Come along this way."

Ashton stared at the clothes in front of him. It was a white suit jacket with black slacks and black shirt with a white tie and the black and white shoes Luke had asked him to pick up.

"Alright let's get you two changed." Luke said ushering Calum and Ashton to get undressed.

Calum stripped down while Ashton slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He felt weird doing this in front of Luke. Luke was his boss.

"Remind you of the ol' prada days?" Calum chuckled seeing Ashton looked uneasy as he peeled back his shirt.

"A bit." Ashton had hated modeling but his mother insisted.

Luke watched as an obviously nervous Ashton pulled the under shirt off over his head revealing a well built chest and torso. Luke felt his eyes scan Ashton's attractive body as Ashton dropped his pants. Luke had never realized how in shape Ashton was.

"Mr. Hemmings they're ready for you." A curly haired girls said stepping into the room.

"Thank you, Leigh Ann." Luke said before turning to Calum and Ashton.

"I'll be right back try and be ready."

Ashton finished tying his shoes and turned to inspect himself in the mirror.

"Luke was checking you out when you were getting undressed." Calum said in a low voice as he stood next to Ashton.

"No he didn't." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"I swear he did." Calum shook his head.

"I really think he has a thing for you." Calum smiled.

"I think you're delusional." Ashton laughed.

"Calum, Ashton are you-" Luke stopped short when he saw Ashton and Calum standing in front of him.

"You look amazing." Luke spoke in awe.

Ashton frowned he'd never seen Luke so enthralled.

"I mean, those suits are amazing, there's no way they won't love my work." Luke said dragging his eyes away from Ashton.

Calum nudged Ashton who shot him a glare.

"You guys go ahead." Luke pointed to the curtain.

Ashton took a deep breath and stepped through the fabric wall. It felt oddly familiar and nauseating at the same time as he started his first steps.

So I had this done a couple days ago and didn't realize it didn't publish. I'm so sorry!

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