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Luke watched as Ashton answered calls. He always seemed so cheery it almost annoyed Luke, almost.

Luke waited until Ashton hung up the phone before calling him into his office.

"Yes sir?" Ashton asked appearing at his door.

"Jade Thirlwall and Zayn Malik will be here shortly. No one is to come in for any reason whatsoever. I want you to send all calls to voicemail and I want you to take notes on everything that is said understood?" Luke spoke in a serious tone.

Ashton nodded before hurrying off. Luke felt the stress of the meeting already getting to him. He was never nervous but this was a big deal.


Ashton lead Jade and Zayn to Luke's office. He shut the door locking it before standing behind Luke his pen and paper ready.

"Luke." Zayn spoke having a seat.

Luke didn't respond he simply nodded.

Jade and I discussed the fate of Versace. We love your work but we also love Gucci's work. We have decided we want to combine the two and make them all produced by the same company. You would still approve designs of course but you would also approve Gucci designs as well-"

"You want me to team up with Leliana Branwell is what you're telling me." Luke snapped interrupting Zayn.

"We want you to consider the proposal." Jade answered.

"I won't do it." Luke snapped again.

"Look we understand Andrew didn't get along with the Branwells but Leliana has been really cooperative and-"

"You mean manipulative." Luke interrupted once again.
"She's been trying to sink her claws into me since the day James signed everything over to her." Luke spat.

"Look, Luke, as a friend and completely off the record, I'm going to tell you something. Leliana is working on a proposal to join Versace and Gucci. I've checked the numbers and I really think they're gonna bite. This is the only way we could see to save Versace. She'll wipe you out in a second if given the chance." Jade spoke in a low voice.

"I can't team up with her. I won't do it." Luke said his tone stressed.

"She's planning on dropping the proposal at the conference this weekend." Zayn spoke.

"Then I have until then to come up with something." Luke said hopeful.

"Please consider our offer. If she drops the proposal they're gonna take it immediately." Jade sighed.

Luke waved a dismissive hand before turning to Ashton.

"Cancel any and all meetings the next two days."

Ashton nodded as he scribbled quickly.

Luke lead Jade and Zayn out while Ashton continued making notes.

"Nothing that was said leaves this room. Understood?" Luke growled closing his door.

Ashton nodded.

"I'm being very serious right now, not a word. Especially to Leliana." Luke said seriously.

"I promise." Ashton agreed.

"When are you going to see her?" Luke asked.

"I don't know, I haven't talked to her." Ashton shrugged, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.

Luke didn't say anything; he simply looked down at his phone.

"You're dismissed." Luke said waving Ashton off.

Ashton, without another word, left Luke's office. He could tell how stressed Luke was and wanted to offer words of encouragement but he didn't want to piss Luke off any more than he was.

Luke paced the room in frustration. That meeting had not gone according to plan. Luke looked over to see Ashton busy at his desk. Suddenly an idea struck his mind.

"Braxton." Luke called.
Ashton appeared in his door.


"Sit." Luke ordered. Ashton did as told.
"You're going to take Leliana out tonight." Luke stated simply.

"I - I'm sorry?" Ashton frowned.

"Did I stutter? Call Leliana and tell her." Luke snapped.

"Okay." Ashton nodded about to jot down a reminder.

"Now." Luke snapped again.

Ashton stood and went to his desk. He dialed Leliana's number.

"Put her on speaker." Luke demanded suddenly in front of Ashton's desk.

Ashton did as told as the call rang through.

"Ashton, dear, how lovely to hear from you." Leliana gushed.

"Uh, hey." Ashton cleared his throat.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Leliana asked.

"I wanted to call and apologize for canceling our date, and also maybe reschedule for say tonight, 6:30?" Ashton asked eyeing Luke's displeased expression.

"Oh, I would love to but I have to work late tonight. Trying to get a proposal together by the weekend." Leliana said in a pouty tone.

"Make it happen." Luke whispered so low Ashton barely heard him.

"You work all the time. Just one night?" Ashton whined cutely.

"I wish I could but this proposal is really important." Leliana countered.

"You sound like Luke." Ashton sighed earning a frown from the blonde.

"Fine, but let's make it 7:30." Leliana agreed finally.

"Great, I'm sure you look stunning as always so I'll pick you up from the office?" Ashton asked in a flirty tone earning a grimace from Luke.

"You're so sweet. Sure, I can change here." Leliana giggled.

Ashton hung up and looked at Luke.

"Good, now here's the deal, I want you to find out as much info as you can about what she's planning." Luke spoke.

"I doubt she's going to tell me anything worth while." Ashton shook his head.

"I think you can persuade her." Luke stated.

"What if I can't?" Ashton asked nervously.

"That's not an option." Luke growled before marching back to his office.

Ashton let out a sigh. Luke was making him use Leliana for information. He hated the idea but he knew if he wanted to keep this job he had no choice.

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