I wouldn't count on it

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"Luke Hemmings, is that you?" Leliana's voice spoke up from behind Luke.

"Leliana, how nice to see you again." Luke said less than enthused.

"Where's Ashton?" Leliana asked crossing her arms.

"I assumed he was with you." Luke shrugged secretly thankful he wasn't but also slightly jealous because that meant he was with Michael.

"I was expecting him to take me to dinner tonight but I haven't heard from him. I called him but he didn't answer. I assumed you had something to do with that." Leliana glared at Luke.

"Why would you assume that?" Luke frowned playing dumb.

"Oh please, you aren't as subtle as you think you are. I can see you like him." Leliana snapped.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Luke stated simply as he continued down the hall.

"Yes you do." Leliana smirked falling in step with Luke.

"You can think what you want." Luke said trying to not let his emotions show on his face. Was he really so obvious?

"I tried telling him you know. He didn't believe me." Leliana sighed.

"That's because it's completely absurd." Luke snapped. She had told Ashton? Why would she do that?

"Why would you tell him that anyway? His chances of staying with you would be slim to none." Luke jeered.

"Not likely. He was completely disgusted by the idea. Said he'd never think of you as anything other than his asshole boss." Leliana lied with a smirk.

Luke did his best to hide the frown that threatened his expression.

"Well lucky for him I'll never see him as anything but my mediocre assistant." Luke lied as well trying to hide the pain in his tone. The idea that Ashton might have said that struck something in him. It was a feeling he didn't feel often and he wasn't sure he liked it.

"Is that so?" Leliana asked smugly.

"Well then you won't mind me telling you about how he is in bed. He's so passionate but also likes to be a bit dominate. The way he made me feel was so-"

"Enough, I don't care to hear about you and Ashton sleeping together." Luke barked cutting Leliana off mid sentence.

"Oh, but I didn't get to tell you how many times me made me cum, or how big his dick is. Or how much he loves blow jobs or how good he is with his tongue, or-"

"Damn it Leliana, stop. Just stop." Luke couldn't take much more.

"What's wrong Luke, jealous?" Leliana smiled widely.

"Fuck off, Branwell." Luke hissed before stalking off leaving Leliana with a smug smile on her face.


Ashton walked through the lobby towards the stairs. He didn't feel like taking the elevator. He wanted to waste as much time as possible getting to his room. He had talked to Michael who had been a great listener but didn't have much advice to give him. He walked slowly up the stairs until he reached the top level with his and Luke's room. He stopped short at the bottom of the last set of stairs.

Standing at the top wrapped in another guy's arms was Leliana.

"So this is what not seeing other people looks like. Man, I've been doing it totally wrong." Ashton snapped causing Leliana to pull away from the dark haired guy that Ashton didn't recognize.

"Ashton." Leliana said in a surprised tone.

"I-I..." Leliana stuttered over her words.

"Who is this guy?" Ashton asked.

"I'm Jared Vaughn. I work for the advertisement board." Jared said holding a hand out for Ashton to shake.

Ashton looked at the guy in disbelief. Did he really expect Ashton to play nice?

"Ashton, baby, can we talk?" Leliana asked taking a step towards Ashton who was now at the top of the steps.

"About what?" Ashton snapped.

"Jared, could you give us a minute?" Leliana asked. Jared nodded and stepped through the door.

"I'm so sorry. That meant absolutely nothing. I was just trying to butter him up for tomorrow. He came on to me." Leliana said trying to play innocent.

"Yeah, I don't believe you." Ashton snapped he was pissed.

"Baby, please." Leliana reached out for Ashton but he slapped her hand away.

"Stop calling me that." Ashton growled.

"I care about you, nobody else, I swear." Leliana pleaded. She didn't want to lose Ashton. She knew it was driving Luke crazy that she was dating him. She wasn't ready to let that go.

"Why?" Ashton asked.

"Why what?" Leliana frowned.

"Why did you even date me?" Ashton asked.

"Because you're so sweet and nice and good looking-"

"Bullshit, I want the real answer." Ashton interrupted.

"Ashton, I really mean it." Leliana said in a pleading tone.

"Stop fucking lying to me. I'm done with you I just want to know why you played me. What did you get out of it?" Ashton barked.

Immediately Leliana's stance changed.

"You know what Irwin, you're right, I did play you. I didn't care about you at all. I only dated you to piss off Luke. I noticed his feelings for you almost immediately. I knew it was a good way to get under his skin. And boy did I." Leliana smirked devilishly.

"Seriously? You think you and I dating bothered Luke? You couldn't be more wrong. In fact he made me take you out the other night." Ashton snapped.

"You can lie all you want Ashton but I know that's not true." Leliana laughed.

"I actually was starting to feel bad about playing you but earlier I ran into Luke and talked to him about his feelings for you. He tried to act like he didn't care at all, until I started talking about what you're like in bed. He didn't seem to like that too much." Leliana grinned.

"Hmmm, maybe you're jealous because Luke doesn't like you and there was no other way to take Versace from him." Ashton pondered loudly.

"I will take Versace from him." Leliana snapped.

"I wouldn't count on it." Ashton snapped back.

"Mommy and daddy are going to be disappointed again." Ashton shrugged.

"You think you can make me feel bad but you can't. I have fought my way to where I am and no one can take that from me, especially Luke." Leliana growled.

"More like slept your way to where you are." Ashton snorted.

"You know what, make jokes all you want, but who gets the last laugh when you and Luke are out of a job?" Leliana jeered.

"That's not going to happen?" Ashton shook his head.

"We'll see about that." Leliana smiled before slipping out the door.

Ashton let out a frustrated sigh. He wanted to be hurt by what Leliana had done to him but it had benefitted him more than her she just didn't know that yet. Suddenly Ashton felt a smile creep onto his lips as Luke's words repeated in his head.

"I need you to write up a statement letter refusing the proposal with reasoning. It will have to include everything that you found. Not only will this void her proposal but it will also cause a huge issue with Gucci. I'm taking down everybody."

He checked his watch. Eleven O' clock. Plenty of time. Ashton smiled as he dashed towards him and Luke's room. He had work to do.


Hey, Hope you guys enjoy the update. I also wanted to let you know that I started a new story recently so if you haven't yet, I'd really appreciate it if you'd check it out. It's also a Lashton story. It's called Everything I didn't say! Thanks for reading, Love you guys!

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