Was I not supposed to know...

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Luke paced angrily as he waited for Ashton to return.

The door to his office opened revealing a frowning Ashton.

"Ashton, in my office." Luke demanded.

Ashton walked in and dropped the magazine on Luke's desk. He then turned to walk back out.

"Wait." Luke snapped.
Ashton stopped and turned to face Luke.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Luke asked crossing his arms.

"No." Ashton answered simply.

"Leliana stopped by." Luke said waiting for Ashton's reaction.

"So I noticed." Ashton nodded.

"You want to tell me how we won the Gucci case?" Luke asked sharply.

"What are you talking about?" Ashton frowned.

"Leliana told me everything." Luke barked.

"Everything about what?" Ashton asked completely confused.

"Stop playing games with me Ashton." Luke growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about Luke." Ashton huffed.

"Leliana wanted out of the business and you wanted in my pants so she gave you all the info so it seemed like you won Gucci for me." Luke snapped.

"That's ridiculous. She had no idea what I was doing." Ashton argued.

"So you just magically got access to all those files? She didn't help you in the slightest?" Luke demanded.

"No, not at all." Ashton was pissed.

"Did you even like Leliana?" Luke asked.

"Yes, and I didn't even know I liked you until that day we spent together." Ashton spoke, aggravated.

"So you weren't planning to get in my pants or trying to get the job at GQ?" Luke asked not believing Ashton.

"Not at all." Ashton shook his head.

"Are you and Leliana getting back together?" Luke demanded.

"No, why would you even ask that?" Ashton asked in disgust.

"Because once you got in my pants got bored with me and got the GQ job you two were officially getting back together." Luke explained.

"That's a crock of shit and you know it." Ashton growled.

"Care to explain the lipstick on your mouth?" Luke snapped.

Ashton reached up to touch the corner of his mouth where Leliana had kissed him.

"Oh, was I not supposed to know about that?" Luke sneered.

"She stopped me in the hall. She fed me some bullshit about congratulating you on Gucci and how she hated it anyway. Then she warned me about you and kissed my cheek before she left." Ashton huffed in frustration.

"I don't believe you." Luke growled harshly.

"You're seriously going to believe Leliana instead of your own boyfriend?" Ashton asked insulted.

"You already got in my pants is the GQ job really worth you acting like you care for me any longer?" Luke was glaring at Ashton.

"This is fucking ridiculous." Ashton swore.

"You lying to me is fucking ridiculous." Luke snapped.

"I'm done. I quit." Ashton said way too calmly before turning away from Luke.

"Don't you dare walk out that door." Luke snarled.

"Or what? You going to throw a vase at my head?" Ashton jeered.

Luke's expression went blank.

"What's the matter, was I not supposed to know out about that?" Ashton mocked Luke's earlier statement.

"I'm done." Ashton snapped before walking out of Luke's office.

Luke stood motionless.

Within minutes of Ashton leaving Leliana walked into his office with a smug smile.

"So Ashton left here pretty pissed." Leliana commented as she leaned against the doorway.

"You fucking bitch. You told him about Danny and I." Luke growled clenching his jaw.

"Well you took something from me now I've taken something from you." Leliana smiled widely.

"You lied to me didn't you? Ashton never plotted against me did he?" Luke asked realization washing over him.

"No, not at all. In fact he didn't even believe someone like you could like him at all. It was cute actually, how oblivious he was of your feelings for him." Leliana giggled.

"Get out." Luke snarled clenching his fists.

"Gladly, I have an upset Ashton to comfort." She cooed as she made her way to the lobby door.

"You stay away from him." Luke snapped angrily.

Leliana gave Luke a wink before disappearing out the door.

Luke immediately grabbed his phone and tried to call Ashton. No answer. Luke, suddenly extremely pissed, grabbed the nearest potted plant throwing it into the wall and into a shattered mess on the floor.

Short update. I've been super busy so I'm sorry for the wait. Enjoy.

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