Can I Have You?

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Luke stood motionless. He couldn't believe what he just did. Him nor Ashton moved. Luke tried to guage Ashton's reaction but Ashton stood emotionless.

"I'm so sorry, I have no idea why I did that." Luke lied.

"Do-do you have feelings" Ashton asked hesitantly.

Luke felt his heart skip. Could he talk himself out of it?

"No, I don't...I just think I've had too much alcohol and you're easy to be around." Luke lied again.

Ashton nodded but didn't respond. Luke searched for any hurt on his face but there was nothing, no emotion whatsoever.

"I should get back to the hotel." Luke said turning away from Ashton.

Ashton watched as Luke disappeared out of sight before plopping down on the sand. He ran his finger over his lips recalling the way Luke's lips felt on his.

"Calum." Ashton whispered suddenly pulling out his phone.

"Hey, I've been trying to get a hold of you all day, what-"

"He kissed me." Ashton interrupted.

"What?" Calum asked.

"Luke kissed me." Ashton clarified.

"He what?!" Calum asked shocked.

"It was weird, he told me he didn't have feelings for me and blamed the alcohol, which he did have a lot but-" Ashton sighed.

"I'm so confused. I kissed him back and it was amazing. I think I'm falling for my boss, Cal." Ashton whined.

"Holy shit, you made out with Luke Hemmings." Calum said laughing.

"Calum, it's not funny. He ran off and I'm left confused." Ashton huffed.

"Well you obviously like him and he obviously likes you. Get together." Calum said as if it was obvious.

"I can't, Cal, he said he doesn't have feelings for me." Ashton sighed.

"Which do you believe a regretful drunk Luke who just exposed himself  or a hot make out session he initiated?"

Ashton bit his lip. What if Luke really did have feelings for him?

"Ugh, this is too much." Ashton groaned.

"I told you he liked you." Calum snickered.

"Yeah, yeah." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Go talk to him." Calum urged.

"Yeah, I think I will " Ashton stood up as he and Calum said their goodbyes.

Luke laid in bed, his mind racing when he heard the hotel door open.

Luke held his breathe hoping Ashton wouldn't knock on his door. He was in no mood to talk much less discuss the kiss they'd shared.

Ashton stood outside of Luke's bedroom door. He couldn't bring himself to knock though. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.
With a sighed Ashton walked to his room closing the door behind him.

Luke let out a relieved sigh when he heard Ashton's bedroom door shut.
He hated himself for allowing himself to get to such a careless state. It wasn’t like him to drink so much and now he'd basically admitted his feelings to Ashton who may or may not return them.


Luke woke before Ashton. He had everything packed and was finishing his coffee when Ashton walked into the living area.

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