You Okay?

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Ashton sat down next to Luke who looked sick.

"A-are you okay?" Ashton asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine." Luke waved a dismissive hand.

"Ashton, hey." A voice spoke up suddenly.

"Michael." Ashton smiled at the blonde.

"Glad to see you made it without any issues." Michael grinned taking a seat next to Ashton.

"Yes, thank you again." Ashton nodded.

"Mr. Hemmings, nice to see you sir." Michael greeted cheerfully.

Luke only frowned.

"Michael helped me get the seats for our flight." Ashton explained.

"Why did you need help? It's a simple enough task." Luke sneered.

"They were out of seats minus three they were saving for vip members. Michael is a Vip member and graciously used his member card so we could get the seats." Ashton explained ignoring Luke's attitude.

"I see." Luke said disinterested.

Luke ignored the two next to him as the rest of the passengers boarded.

The plane was finally starring down the runway. Ashton was chatting lightly with Michael about places they'd been when he felt Luke grip his arm roughly. He turned to see Luke looking very pale.

"Hey, you okay?" Ashton asked quietly.

"Fine." Luke snapped letting go of Ashton quickly.

The plane began lifting for take off causing some turbulence.
Luke immediately grabbed Ashton's arm again.

"I take it you aren't a fan of flying." Ashton noted.

Luke ignored Ashton as he continued to brace.

"Shit, I hate this. Now I'm nauseous." Luke swore more to himself.

"Can I get two cokes please?" Ashton asked a stewardess with a snack tray.

"Here, this will help." Ashton handed Luke a coke and a small pill and small snack from his carry on bag.

"What's this?" Luke asked looking at the items distrustfully.

"Zofran, nausea medicine, a pack of ginger snaps and a coke. It'll get rid of the nausea." Ashton smiled.

Luke frowned but took them from Ashton.


"I love that movie." Ashton laughed. He and Michael had been talking and laughing much to Luke's dismay. Michael was being really flirty with Ashton. Luke already hated him and he barely knew him.

At that moment a voice came over the loud speaker.

"Attention all passengers we ask that for the next hour you remain seated and buckled as we are entering a storm. There will be some turbulence. Nothing to worry about, thank you."

Luke felt the color drain from his face.
"Are you afraid of flying?" Ashton asked quietly.
Luke nodded.
Ashton nodded but stayed quiet. He didn't want to make Luke uncomfortable. He turned back to Michael.

As if on cue the plane started to rock and rumble a bit. Luke felt himself panic. He grabbed for the seats armrest only to grab Ashton's arm again. He wanted to pull away but his panic wouldn't allow it. Suddenly he felt Ashton's hand on his. He rubbed gentle circles with his thumb on the back of Luke's hand. The contact momentarily distracted him from the panic. His heart skipped at the interaction. He hated the way it made him feel but the contact was enough of a distraction to calm him down a bit. He looked up to see Ashton still talking to Michael.

Luke didn't normally fly with anyone but he wanted to hang out with Ashton outside of work and this trip was a perfect excuse. He hated to admit it but he was falling for the boy.

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