Have you talked to Ashton today?

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Ashton stormed out of the building and just as he reached his car he heard Leliana's voice.

"Ashton, wait, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you by telling you about Danny and Luke. Are you okay?" Leliana asked sweetly.

"You lied to Luke. You didn't help me win Gucci, why would you lie to him?" Ashton demanded whirling around to face the manipulative blonde.

"I didn't say anything to him. He asked me if it was a setup, I told him no. He didn't believe me. He thinks we've been together this whole time. I told him I tried convincing you that Luke had feelings for you but he wouldn't believe me." Leliana shrugged.

"Why would you come back up here at all?" Ashton asked obviously frustrated.

"Do you want the truth?" Leliana asked looking down as if she were ashamed.

"No, I clearly want you to lie to me." Ashton huffed sarcastically.

"I missed you. I was just trying to use you to get to Luke and then after you were gone I realized how much of a bitch I'd been and how much I really cared for you. I know I can't just say those things and you take me back but it's the truth. I was crushed when I found out that you were with Luke. I never imagined he'd tell you how he felt. And I definitely never imagined someone as sweet as you being with someone as mean as him." Leliana frowned at the thought.

"He's not mean, he just needs someone who will give him a chance." Ashton replied feeling protective of Luke all of a sudden.

"Right, and tell me, how'd that work out for you?" Leliana asked crossing her arms?

Ashton frowned but didn't respond.

"Exactly, I would hate for him to truly hurt you." Leliana put her hand on Ashton's arm comfortingly.

"He wouldn't do that." Ashton said though he wasn't so sure.

"Ashton, I saw you with Michael Clifford at the convention. He's a great guy and there isn't anyone I'd rather see running Gucci, perhaps you should reconsider your options." Leliana said before dropping her hand and turning.

"Wait, I'm confused. Why aren't you throwing yourself at me? You clearly have the upper hand, why aren't you taking advantage of it?" Ashton asked frowning at the blonde.

"Ashton, I'm not here for anyone but you. If you decide to give me another chance, you have my number." With that Leliana walked away leaving Ashton to ponder her words.

Luke dialed Calum's number to see if he'd heard from Ashton.

"Hey, Luke, what's up?" Calum asked.

"Have you talked to Ashton today?" Luke asked not wasting any time.

"No, I usually hear from him around lunch time, why? Is everything okay?" Calum asked.

"Not really. I think he just quit." Luke answered.

"What? Why?"

"We kind of broke up." Luke sighed sadly.

"What?!" Calum asked shocked.

"When? How? Why?" Calum asked hurriedly.

"Leliana." Luke answered quietly.

"That cunt." Calum swore.

"Look, I'm not even five minutes from the office, I'm going to stop by. We can talk about what happened." Calum suggested.

"Yeah, okay, that'd be good." Luke nodded.

Once he hung up with Calum Luke looked at his computer trying to concentrate on work but he'd never been so distracted or unfocused.

Ashton had such a weird effect on Luke. It was strange for Luke to care for someone so much.

"Mr. Hemmings, Mr. Hood is here to see you." Karen spoke over the receiver.

"Send him in." Luke replied suddenly nervous.

Calum walked in to see Luke at his desk his hair wasn't as neat as usual, his eyes were sad. His suit jacket was thrown over his chair. His tie was off and the top button of his shirt was undone. There was a broken plant on the floor and a small hole in the wall above it.

"Are you okay?" Calum asked taking a seat.

Luke just shook his head. He wasn't close with anyone and it was strange for him to talk about his emotions.

"Tell me what happened." Calum offered sensing how unsure Luke was.

Luke explained the conversation he had with Leliana and the fight with Ashton. He told him about Leliana coming back in and how Ashton wouldn't answer his phone.

"Have you asked Michael if he's heard from him?" Calum asked after listening patiently.

"I'm afraid to. I know Michael likes him and he would be so much better for him. I know I've just pushed him into his arms and I don't want to hear about it."

"Give me his number, I'll call him." Calum said taking out his phone.

Luke read Michael's number from his own phone for Calum.

"Michael, hey, this is Calum hood, Ashton ir-"

"Oh, well then, umm, I was actually calling to see if you had talked to Ashton today?"

"This morning? When this morning?"

"I didn't even know he was up that early."

"Oh, I see."

Luke frowned he was dreadfully curious about what was being said.

"Okay, thanks." Calum hung up and turned to Luke.

"He hasn't heard from him since you guys had your fight." Calum answered.

"What about this morning?" Luke questioned.

"Well apparently Ashton stopped by early to talk to him about potentially working for Gucci."

"What?" Luke looked hurt.

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know, did you guys have an argument or disagreement last night?" Calum asked.

"No, definitely no disagreeing." Luke shook his head.

"Try calling him again." Calum suggested.

Luke did so but to no avail.

"Let me try." Calum suggested.

Ashton didn't answer his call either.

"Do you think he's with Michael and Michael's just not telling us? What if he's with Leliana, I don't even want to humor that idea." Luke buried his head in his hands.

"I know where he is and who he's with." Calum said with a comforting smile.

"Where, with who?" Luke asked almost desperately.

"Mom." Ashton smiled as Anne opened the door for him.

"Ashton, sweetheart, come here." Anne pulled her son into a hug.

At that moment Ashton felt the frustration pour out onto his cheeks.

"Hunny, don't cry, tell me what's going on? What happened?" Anne asked rocking Ashton back and forth in her arms.

"I broke up with Luke and I quit my job." Ashton answered pulling away so he could stop the fountain of tears.

"Oh my, I get the feeling this is going to be a long story, let's have a seat." Anne lead Ashton out to the back yard and urged him to take a seat.

"Now, start from the beginning."

Here's another update finally! Hope you enjoy!

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