It's already over

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"I don't know what to do. I need really like this guy but he was an awful boss and he's so shut down. I don't know how to get him to be the Luke from Barcelona. He was so different that day." Ashton huffed. He was currently pacing on his mom's patio while she sat listening and sipping on a cup of tea. She had also made one for Ashton but it sat untouched and cold.

"I think that perhaps Luke is two different people. You say out of work he's better. Maybe he doesn't know how to be nice in a work setting. You say his dad seemed to be that way as well so it's how he was taught. And as far as this Leliana chick is concerned she's nothing but trouble. I know it seems like she was being all caring and wants what's best for you but she lied to Luke. That's why you broke up was because of her." Anne spoke calmly as her son continued to pace.

"I guess, I just feel like he's not ready for a relationship." Ashton sighed.

"Or maybe you don't want a relationship." Anne shrugged.

Ashton bit his lip and looked out towards the lake that butted up to his mom's property. 


"Lucas, let me explain something to you; there is nothing in this world more important than the person who loves you unconditionally. Not even Versace." Andrew spoke harshly to his youngest son.

"Dad, this is a big deal. I have finally gotten Gucci. I don't need to be distracted. I didn't come here asking how to get Ashton back, I came here asking for advice on how to get over him." Luke huffed.

"You told your brother just the other day that he reminded you of your mother. Why would you ever want to give that up?" Andrew asked frowning.

"He told you?" Luke sighed.

"Yes, he told me. Unlike you. How long were you planning to keep this from me?" Andrew snapped.

"I didn't even mean to tell Ben. It slipped. It's a very new thing. It happened while we were in Barcelona at the convention." Luke sighed. He should have known his dad would be upset for not saying anything.

"Listen to me Luke, you found yourself a damn good one it sounds like, don't you dare fuck this up. You take your happy as back to the city and you make things right." Andrew demanded.

"Dad, I told you he broke up with me and quit. It's already over." Luke groaned.

"Dammit, Luke, stop being like me for five seconds. What would your mother say if she were here?" Andrew shouted.
This caused Luke to drop his head.

"Don't you dare throw this away. You find him and you tell him that you screwed up. Give him a raise and stop being the ass I know you are. This isn't some employee. You can't treat him like you did Danny."

"You took my side on that." Luke objected.

"It took me a long time to realize your mother was right. If she could see you now she would blame me for instilling such harshness into your heart. For that I'm sorry, but listen to me when I say, if you love him like you say you do you'll never get over him." Andrew turned away from his son with tears in his eyes.

Luke sighed. He hadn't known what to expect when he told his father about Ashton but he hadn't imagined it going quite like this.

"I'll go try and fix this." Luke promised.

"I want to meet this young man." Andrew said turning back to face Luke. All signs of tears gone.

Luke only nodded.


Ashton stared at the phone on his coffee table. His mother told him not to give up on Luke, before he left, but he couldn't find the courage to pick up the phone.

Ashton leaned back on the couch running his hand through his hair. Why did Luke have to be so complicated? He looked at the clock on the wall. He had told Michael he'd give him a final answer by five. It was almost four thirty.

A knock on his door pulled Ashton from his thoughts.

He opened the door to see Luke standing on the door step with flowers in his hand.

"I didn't really know what to get you so I got these." Luke said holding out a bouquet of carnations.
"I'm really sorry about what I said earlier. I should have known Leliana was lying. I'm just so afraid of losing you to someone else I pushed you away on my own. I know I'm an ass at times and I'm sorry about that too. You once told me I needed someone who wouldn't give up on me. I'm begging you to be that someone." Luke spoke pouring his heart out. He didn'tknow what else to do.

Ashton took the flowers and smiled at the blonde.

"I never would have pinned you as the type to fight for us." Ashton admitted.

"I told you, Ashton, I'm in love with you. And no matter how much I try and fight it, I always will be." Luke said biting his lip.

Ashton set the flowers on a small table just inside the door before wrapping his arms around Luke's neck. Luke wrapped his arms around Ashton relief flooding over him.
Ashton melted into Luke's arms before whispering.

"I love you too."

Small update for you. Yay, Lashton is back together. I don't know how much longer this story is going to be but probably only a few more chapters. Anyway, hope you liked it!

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