Welcome to the Hyatt

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The plane finally landed allowing Luke to relax a bit. He was in a really irritable mood due to the storm, Ashton being so sweet to him and Michael's incessant flirting.

"Welcome to the Hyatt." A pretty blonde spoke as she greeted Luke, Michael and Ashton.

"I'll be checking you in, what name is the room under?"

"Hemmings." Ashton answered. He had booked the hotel so he knew all the information.

"Ah, yes, here are your room keys." The blonde handed them to Ashton who gave a flirty smile.

"Thank you."

"I'll see you later, Michael." Ashton smiled.

"Okay, maybe we can get together for dinner tonight, if you're free." Michael suggested.

"That sounds good." Ashton smiled.

"If you're done flirting, I'd like to get to my room." Luke snapped. He was beyond tired of Michael flirting with an oblivious Ashton.

"Sorry." Ashton mumbled as they made their way to the elevator.

"Aren't you dating Leliana?" Luke jeered.

"Yes." Ashton frowned. What did that have to do with anything.

"I don't think she'd appreciate you flirting with Mitchel." Luke sneered

"I wasn't flirting with Michael." Ashton frowned again.

"Well he was definitely flirting with you."

"No he wasn't." Ashton argued.

Luke turned to look at Ashton as they waited for the elevator to reach them.

"Are you really that dumb?" Luke asked in a condescending tone.

Ashton frowned but didn't respond. Luke was in a particularly bad mood.

"I'm sorry." Luke sighed.

"I'm just a little on edge from the plane still." He felt bad. Ashton had done everything he could to comfort Luke on the plane and he knew his remark had hurt him.

Ashton looked at Luke shocked. Had he just apologized? He had never heard Luke apologize to anyone before, ever.

"I'm sorry the plane ride was so bad. Are you feeling less nauseous at least?" Ashton asked looking sympathetically at Luke.

Luke grit his teeth. Why was Ashton being so nice? And why was it pissing Luke off?

"Why are you so nice to me? I literally just insulted you." Luke snapped turning to Ashton.

Ashton looked taken aback.

"Y-you're my boss." Ashton stammerd.

"Right, you think I'll fire you." Luke sighed turning away from Ashton.

"Well, you have a habit of doing that." Ashton chuckled. Luke glanced at Ashton with a small smirk. Ashton really knew how to mess with Luke's emotions.

The elevator opened and the two of them stepped out.

"To answer your question, I'm feeling much better." Luke said in a quiet tone.

"Good." Ashton smiled.

Luke gave a small smile as well. The smile quickly faded as he heard Leliana's voice call for Ashton.

Ashton and Luke turned to see Leliana rush towards Ashton leaping into his arms.

"I've missed you so much baby." Leliana cooed as she placed her lips on Ashton's. Luke felt his stomach bubble with anger and jealousy.

"I saw you not even ten hours ago." Ashton chuckled setting the blonde back on her feet.

"I know but I don't remember half of it." She pouted.

Ashton chuckled.

"Hello, Luke." Leliana smiled as she slipped her arm around Ashton's waist causing him to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

"Leliana." Luke nodded his head curtly.

"I'm gonna get settled into my room, I'll catch up with you later, okay?" Ashton asked pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Okay!" Leliana grinned tossing a smug look at Luke before scurrying off.

"I don't know how you put up with her." Luke scoffed.

"She's not so bad." Ashton chuckled.

Luke didn't respond he simply followed Ashton to their room.

Once in their rooms Luke made sure the door was closed and locked.

"Now that we're alone, we need to talk business." Luke stated pulling out the pages Ashton had printed off for him earlier.

"Okay." Ashton sat patiently as Luke looked over the pages.

"There is going to be a presentation tomorrow late morning. That is when Leliana will present her proposal to the board. I need you to write up a statement letter refusing the proposal with reasoning. It will have to include everything that you found. Not only will this void her proposal but it will also cause a huge issue with Gucci. I'm taking down everybody." Luke grinned as he handed Ashton the papers.

"You want me to ruin Leliana's career?" Ashton asked with a frown.

"It won't completely ruin her career. It may just boot her from the head seat at the Gucci table." Luke chuckled.

Ashton felt guilt creep into the pit of his stomach. How was he going to abolish his girlfriends career?

"Don't tell me you feel bad for her." Luke sneered.

"I-Well-It's just-She's my girlfriend." Ashton frowned down at the stack of papers in his hands.

"What's your point?" Luke snapped.

Ashton didn't say anything. He knew Luke could fire him at any second and he really wasn't ready to give up the chance at writing for GQ.

"Don't tell me you've gotten so sweet on her that you're able to let her take over Versace. You think you'll have a job left once she gets a hold of Versace? She will wipe out everything including your opportunity to work at GQ. GQ won't exist after she gets ahold of it, you understand that right?"

"She wouldn't do that, would she?" Ashton asked.

"Look, I don't know how you are so oblivious but open you're eyes, she's using you. She doesn't care about you or me or any of the people working for me. She sees me as a threat and wants to get rid of me. You are my go to guy, of course she is going to get in bed with you, she thinks it'll help her overtake me." Luke spoke harshly.

Ashton felt like a knife had seared through him. Surely Luke was wrong.

"I really don't think she's as bad as you think she is." Ashton shrugged.

"Okay, here's the deal, you either write up the statement letter or you can go down with her." Luke growled. Luke was pissed. Leliana had his claws in Ashton.

"I'm not trying to make you choose between your job and your girlfriend but I won't let Leliana take Versace." Luke saw the frustration on Ashton's face. He hated seeing him look like that but he couldn't let his feelings for Ashton or his hate for Leliana influence his business decisions.

"Okay." Ashton said in a quiet voice.

"Good. I'm going to shower and order dinner in. I assume you'll be out with either Leliana or Michael. Be up and ready by eight." Luke stated simply.

"Yes sir." Ashton mumbled as Luke went off to the bathroom. He needed a drink and he needed advice. He checked the time to see if Calum would be awake. No such luck. Michael. He could talk to Micheal. He grabbed his phone and dialed the number Michael had given him on the plane.

"Hey, you still want to get together for dinner?" Ashton asked when Michael answered.

"Great, meet me downstairs."

*AN* Okay, so I want to thank all my lovely readers for all the votes and comments. I love love love reading your comments so comment all you want! Enjoy!

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