Midnight Love

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Taylor's POV 

We came home, and I went straight to my room.  I was so tired of hearing everyone say 'if you need anything talk to me' or 'I'm always here for you'.  I didn't need anyone.  Especially, if that meant they could hold it over your head for the rest of your life. 

I heard a knock at my door and in walked Damion.  "Now before you say anything I just came to investigate." 

"Okay... What?"  I asked watching him sit down on the bed next to my feet.  I sat up and moved further away from him.  Like I said before, I didn't trust myself. 

"Don't get mad, but Alexis wanted to know why you hate her  so much,"  he said putting emphasis on her. 

"And she couldn't ask me why?"

"Because she's downstairs bawling her eyes out because you hate her and she loves you so much, and on and on and on,"  he said making an annoyed face at me. 

"Oh...  To be honest, I don't hate her.  I hate that my mom and dad split up and she was next in line,"   I said.  I have never been this honest with anyone.  Especially not my mom and dad. 

"Well, that's not her fault."

"Yes, I know.  It's just, she's too beautiful for me to hang around with.  I mean honestly, people will probably ask if she's my sister.  Then she will say no this is my daughter.  Then everyone will know that my dad likes 'em young and blonde.  It's dumb how people can judge you before they even get to know you,"  I said and waited for him to answer. He looked at me like I was the dumbest person in the world, but he still looked very attractive. 

"Hold on one second!  You think it's dumb to judge someone before you get to know them, but what are you doing to Lexi?"  He asked though he already knew the answer. 

"Judging her,"  I said quietly.  I looked at the ground. 

"I suggest you apologize before the end of the night.  I have to go home, but I do hope you will be smart about it."

"Okay.  Bye,"  I said and he was gone.  I heard him say his good bye's down stairs and drive away. As soon as I knew Alexis was the only one downstairs, I walked down.

"Alexis, can I please talk to you?"  All I could think about is how disappointed my mom would be if I behaved like this in front of her. 

"Of course.  Sit.  What's going on?"  She asked seeming really worried. 

"You know I didn't really like you at first.  No matter how mean I am to you, you are still so nice to me.  I absolutely hate it, but I also love you for it.  I want to say I'm sorry and I love you very much Lexi."  By the end, I was bawling about as much as her.  Thank God Damion was not here to see this. 

Damion's POV

"Jared she hates me.  I don't blame her, though.  I ruined her life.  You and her mom would be together still if it had not been for me,"  Alexis said while sitting on the couch. 

"No, she doesn't, honey.  She just needs some time,"  Jared said trying to console his crying wife. 

I walked into the kitchen, mostly because I was tired of hearing my best friend's wife cry because someone hated her.  I walked upstairs with the full intent of yelling at Taylor for what she did, but when I saw her innocent face I couldn't. 

I talked to her about why she hated Lexia, and we got down to the bottom of the problem.  Taylor didn't hate Lexi, she hated her dad for leaving her mom and marrying Lexi.  I felt bad for her, but she still had to talk to Lexi because that was the right thing to do.  

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