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Damion's POV

After about four days of watching Carrie we knew when to strike.

"Devin, maybe you could trap her and talk to her. She's like in love with you. You could be our person to distract her. It could work," Derek said with pleading eyes.

"No, Derek. I will not do that. It would just lead to more trouble."

"Taylor will be safe faster if we do it this way. You do realize that, right?" Derek said leaning back in his seat.

"I'll do it."

"Good. Now that we are on the same page, let's see what her next move is. Jonathon, can you hack into her phone?"

"Do we have her phone number? That's the easiest way. I could do it without it, but you know."

"Yeah. I've got her number still," I said pulling out my phone.

"I know you're a player, but you would think crazy chicks would be a big turn off," Derek said laughing.

"I'm done with her. I just want her gone."

"Well, that could be easy," Jonathon said staring at his computer.


"Because this shows that she is going to our house."

"What? Call Devin and tell him to hide Taylor!" Derek yelled packing up our things.

"Already on it."

I called Devin's cell, and he picked up right away.

Phone call:
Devin: Good news I hope.
Me: Get Taylor and take her in the lowest part of the house.
Devin: Why? What is going on?
Me: Carrie's on her way.
Devin: Dude! Did you know Taylor was a street fighter and she can shoot a gun like a pro? She fits in our family perfectly.
Me: We will talk about this later. Just take her to the place I told you to.
Devin: Yes, sir.
Me: I'll see you all soon. Finish her if you can.
Devin: Good. We will.

We both hung up so they could be ready for Carrie.

"Devin has everything under control. Who was that girl that just disappeared? She was one of the street fighters," I asked Derek.

"Black Knight. Dad's been looking every where for her. No where to be found. No one knows."

"I know where she us," I said grabbing my bags.

"You do? Dad's going to be so happy."

"It's Taylor."

"No way. That girl is a beast."

"Derek, I'm serious."

"Well Carrie better watch out. Taylor is about to get to kick someone's ass."

Taylor's POV

"You told Damion? Devin! Why would you do that?" I asked getting seriously pissed.

"He deserves to know. Plus, it will give him peace of mind knowing you can take care of yourself," Devin said with soft eyes.

"Fine. When that girl gets here she is so dead. Just saying."

"Can't wait to see you back in action. Dad's going to be so happy."

"No. This is the last time. Seriously."

"What's the last time? The last time you ever get to see your precious friend?" Carrie asked with a smirk.

When I saw her all I saw was red. "Nope. The last time I get to do this," I said punching her in the face. Honestly, it felt awesome.

"Is that all you got little girl?"

"No." I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. I flicked her wrist and listened to the beautiful sound of her cracking bones.

"Shit! My arm!"

"Now that you're hurt, face me."

She rolled over and looked at me.

"Damion is mine! You two are finished. You're also finished! Bye, bitch!" I pulled my gun out and shot her in the head. "I really hated her."

"That... was... AWESOME! Taylor, that's the best thing I've seen like ever. The guards took care of the rest of them," Devin said with a huge grin.

"I'm just glad everything is over," I said putting my gun away.

"Me too. Someone will be by to pick up her body soon."

Today was a good day. Damion would be back soon too!

Thanks for reading this chapter!

Picture: Taylor's dress

Song: Drifting- G-eazy

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