Home Part 2

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Damion's POV

I knew I had to tell Big Daddy what I found out about Taylor. As much as I wanted to keep it to myself, I knew Derek or Devin would tell. I got up and dressed in presentable clothes and let Taylor sleep. I walked to Big Daddy's office and knocked loudly.

"Come in," he said from the inside. I walked in and sat in the chair across from him. "Good morning, son. How's Taylor?" He asked with a huge grin stretched across his face.

"She's good. Still sleeping. Dad, there's something I really need to tell you," I said looking at him. He was getting older, but his eyes still showed with fun and excitement.

"What is it?" He asked turning serious.

"I know where Black Knight is."

"You do? That's great! I've been looking for her everywhere. She was my greatest fighter. Where is she?" He asked his eyes filling with wonder and excitement.

"She's closer than you think. Taylor is Black Knight," I said. I watched his face turn from excited to amused.

"I knew that was her. When Devin said she was the one who killed Carrie, I knew something was up."

"Are you going to have her fight again?" I asked feeling relief that he was sorta aware of the fact that Taylor was Black Knight.

"It's all up to her. I won't make her do anything she doesn't want to," dad said with a hint of hope in his voice.

"Okay. Thank you," I said getting up to go.

"Bye, son."

I left and went back to my room and saw that Taylor was gone. I heard the shower going so I assumed she was in the shower.

I decided to wait out on the bed so that I could talk to her when she got out. It was about twenty minutes later when I heard the bathroom door open. I turned to look and see she was wearing a pink dress and black heels and her hair straight down her back. "Taylor, we need to talk."

"Okay." She sat on the bed next to me and waited for me to continue.

"I told my dad. He said he wouldn't make you fight."

She just kept staring at me. She didn't say anything at first. "Damion... I hope you don't get mad, but I really want to start fighting again. I don't want to stop. I hope you know that."

She wanted to fight still. Why?  "You do realize you don't have to," I said grabbing her hand.

"Yes. I love you, and would do anything for you. If you loved me you wouldn't ask new to stop fighting," she said looking at me.

"I won't ask you to stop. I love you, and if that is what you want to do I will support you completely. I cannot believe I just said that," I said running my hands through my hair. I hated street fighting, but I really didn't want to lose her.

"I'm so glad you would actually allow me to do this," she said kissing my cheek.

"It's either agree or lose you. Losing you would kill me, so the choice is clear," I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"We are going to talk to my dad. He will be really excited to her your option."

"Okay," she said taking a big breath.

Taylor's POV

I was nervous to say in the least. I mean I just left everything. In street fighting that means that you retired. In my case, I couldn't do anything about it. Lexi and my father would never approve. I'm just glad that Damion could see my side of it.

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