Meeting the Family

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Damion's POV

I could tell she was scared by how tense she was in the passenger seat. "Taylor, just because we are called 'the mafia' doesn't mean the we are mean and scary," I said intertwining my hand with hers .

"I'm not scared of the guns and the big guys. If they are anything like you, I'll be fine. It's just..." She paused.


"What if they don't like me? I'm putting you all in danger," she said looking at me.

"We've seen worse. Don't worry. This is why your father wanted me to go with you to Ohio. I agreed completely. I'm glad it happened here so I could bring you here. My mother already has our room done, by the way."

"We are staying together?" She asked realky timid.

"Unless you don't want to."

"No. I do."

"Okay. Before we get there. Let me forewarn you that was a bit of a player, so when my brothers treat you like another piece of ass don't freak out. Please."

"Really? Ugh! Damion, I will not be treated like a slut!"

"I never said that. Once they find out how serious I am about you everything will get better."

"Okay," she said letting out a sigh. I could tell she was still tense.

Soon we pulled up to a huge house. We had to stop at the gate so we could get checked in since we were lock down. "Damion?" Taylor asked as we pulled into my parking space.

"What, babe?" I asked grabbing her hand and walking up to the front door.

"I'm really nervous," she whispered.

"You'll do fine."

I knock on the door and one of the guard's open it. I lifted up my shirt and showed the tattoo every one had to get. It was like a family crest.

"Why didn't I know about this?" She aske motioning toward the tattoo.

"Because every time we have sex it's dark. I tried not to let you find out either. Of course, you did anyway."

"We will talk about that later."

Great! Once we were inside, mom and dad came to meet us. Mom both hugged both Taylor and I. I could tell she loosened up a little after that.

Now on to introductions.

Taylor's POV

He has a tattoo? How did I not notice that?  Damion's mom.and dad were standing in front of us, and his mom decided to give us a hug. She was beautiful. She had long brown hair and bright blue eyes. I soon found out her name Elizabeth.

Next in line to meet was Big Daddy. That was Damion's father. Since Damion's grandfather was passed, Big Daddy took the name along with the position. He was huge with black hair and blue eyes. He looked like an older version of Damion.

"So, Damion what kind of trouble are you into now?" A guy about my age asked as he walked into the room.

"Hello, to you too Devin. This is my youngest brother Devin Adams. He's nineteen and he has a really big mouth," Damion explained shooting Devin a glare. Devin looked a lot like Damion too. It was kinda scary.

"Right. So I see you are going a whole lot younger than you now," Devin said smirking at Damion.

"Yeah. This is Taylor Allen," Damion said to everyone.

"It's so nice to meet you dear. Damion doesn't like to bring his girls home. I think he's ashamed of who he is," Big Daddy teased shaking my hand.

"I'm honored to be one of the few," I said giving them a small smile.

"No, dear. You're the first," Elizabeth added.

"Really?" I asked glancing up at Damion. I could see him getting really red. "Good. Maybe he'll stay with you for longer than a week," I heard another person add.

"Hi, Aunt Gracie," Damion greeted her.

"Hello, Damion. She's a beauty. Isn't she?" She said eying me up and down.

"Yeah," he said pulling me closer.

"Good. Keep a tight grip on her."

The rest of the day consisted of meeting the rest of the family and small talk. Grandma Morgan, who was the sweetest old lady I had ever met. Next was Derek Adams, who was Damion's other brother. He was twenty-one and looked just like his mom. The only other younger girl was Sara. She was Damion's cousin, who was twenty-two. Her twin brothers name was Jonathan. They both were tall with blonde hair and brown eyes.

After meeting everyone, I turned to look at Damion. "Babe, I'm really tired," I whispered.

"Okay. Guys, we are going to head up to bed. Good night," he sajd leading me up the stairs. "My family loves you," he said while we were changing into pajamas.

"Yeah. They're all close to my age. It's wierd."

"I know. Sorry you couldn't have met one of them first," he said while hugging me.

"I never said I wanted them. I'm perfectly happy with you," I said kissing his lips fast.

I crawled into bed, and he layed next to me. I cuddled in close and we both fell into a deep sleep. Yep. I was tired.

Thank you all so much for reading it!! Hope you enjoyed!

Picture: Damion's Family

Song: Up All Night- One Direction

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