The Drive

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Taylor's POV

Since Damion was driving first, it gave me a chance to nap. The front seat was long so I laid my head on the door and propt my feet up on the seat. I had to sit by Damion because no one else wanted to. You could say that I felt bad.

Sometime during the drive I must have repositioned myself because when I woke up my head was in Damion's lap.

"Well, good morning, sleepy head," Damion said when I sat up.

"How long have we been driving?" I asked fixing my hair in the mirror. It was still dark so it couldn't have been very long.

"About three hours. You all fell asleep around the same time too," he said laughing.

His laugh was defiantly something I was going to have to get used to or ignore. "Can you please take a stop at the next gas station?"

"Of course. I was hoping to get a coffee anyway."

"Thank you."

"I never really got the chance to ask. How was the first semester of college?" He asked glancing at me.

The question seemed harmless enough. "It was good." Other than the fact that I could only think about you. "I made new friends. You know did the things normal college kids do."

He just nodded while I talked so I decided to ask, "How was life after I left?"

He looked surprised by the question, buy answered anyway. "Lonely. Then I met Carrie because you decided to date Juan."

"Wait... You didn't date Carrie until I started dating Juan?" I asked. I thought he moved on first.

"I did not want to move on, but you decided you wanted to first. I am a man."

"I already knew that." Oh how I knew that. "I thought you moved on first."

"It doesn't matter now. You and Juan are going to be great together."

I looked at him for a long second to see if I could tell how he really felt. Nope.

We pulled into the gas station and everyone decided to wake up. It was around 2 o'clock in the morning.

"Damion, I can grab you coffee while you pump gas, if you want," I said as he walked to the side of the van.

"That would be great. Thank you."

I walked inside the gas station, and Julia caught up with me. She had that worried look on her face. "What?" I asked suddenly making her jump.

"Damion... You... Juan. What's going on?" She asked quietly.

"Between Damion and I nothing. Between Juan and I nothing. Juan says he loves me, but Damion is so..."

"Hot? Amazing? Spectacular?" Julia asked throwing words out.

"Yes. Yes. And yes! What do I do?"

"Taylor, I'm your best friend, but you will have to let your heart decided this one. All I know is if you don't choose Damion, me or someone else will," she said laughing. I knew she wasn't lying though.

"Right. Thank you," I said sarcastically.

"Taylor, I know you and you will choose the right person. Have some hope."

"Right. Faith, trust, and pixie dust," I said laughing. She went to the restroom and I grabbed four coffees and a water.

I walked out to the van and handed Sophia and Juan their coffees and sat Julia's in her cup holder and got back in the front seat.

"Black, right?" I asked Damion when he got in.

"Yep. You're good."

"I know."

Before we left, I got my phone out and took a picture of all of us. I posted it on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

"Really, Taylor? I look hideous!" Sophia yelled looking at the picture.

"Shut up, Sophia. You couldn't look ugly even if you wanted to," I said glaring at her in the mirror.

"Yeah... sure. I'm going back to sleep."

"Same. Night guys."

Great. Damion and I were the only ones awake. Alone. Ugh.

Damion's POV

Taylor didn't seem too happy about being the only one awake with me so I kept my mouth shut. "Damion, how long are you planning on staying in Ohio?" Taylor asked. I didn't think she wanted to talk to me.

"How long will you let me? I was thinking until you came home so I could drive you home," I said glancing over at her. Her eyes started to lighten up as I said that.

"Damion... What about work?" She asked turning in her seat.

"I've already talked to Jared. What do you say?"

"I don't know. I'm just really sad about this morning. I'm not even mad anymore."

"Taylor, I'm so sorry about that. Please forgive me."

"I want to. I really do, but you've broken so promises to me already. You promised not to move, but you did. You promised to break it off with Carrie, but you just had to have sex one more time."

"I know. I don't expect you to love me anymore. I just want some type of closure," I said regretting every word as soon as I said them.

"There's one flaw in your words, Damion. I don't want closure. I just want you to keep one promise to me. No breaking it."

"Okay. I can do that. What promise do you want me to keep?" I asked glancing over at her.

"Okay. You promise not to tell anyone."

"Yeah. Okay. I promise."

"Damion. I love you and I never told you this, but my mom told me that my dad is not my real dad," she said staring out the window.

"What? When did she tell you this?"

"A couple of months before the fire." She turned to look at me and started to laugh.

"Taylor, what's so funny?"

"Ummm... the fact that you believed me."

"What?" She was lying?

"Yeah. Damion, I look so much like my dad it's not funny. How in the world did you actually believe me?"

"That's wrong." I was mad at her now.

"I know. Now you know how I feel when you lied to me."

"Wait, you don't love me?" I asked. I knew I did deserve that. She was right.

"I never said that was a lie. You'll have to find out," she said with a smirk.

"I will."

Picture: road

Song: Tell Me a Lie

Question: What is your favorite road trip game?

My answer: I love the ABC sign game!!! #roadtrip

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