Moving on

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Taylor's POV

We finally made it to the university after about three days of straight driving.  I was excited to get to start my new life far away from Damion. 

"Earth to Eliana,"  Julia said waving her hand in front of my face. 

"What?"  I asked as I pulled back into reality. 

"You ready to go?" She asked. 

"Yes.  Let's go!"

We walked to our dorm advisers office and got our key, and then walked back out to get our things.  That's when I saw him.  He waved and started to run over.  Why me?

"Taylor... Why is the really tall, hot guy running over here?"  Julia asked smiling. 

"His name is Juan,"  I said pointing to him.

When he finally made it over to where we were standing he pulled me into a hug.  "Hey, Taylor.  I didn't know you were going to be coming here, too!"  He said with a big grin.

"Here I am.  How are you, Juan?"  I asked.  Damion wanted me to move on.  Here goes nothing. 

"Good.  Better now that you are here."  He smiled at me then started looking around like he was looking for someone.  

"Damion didn't come.  Don't worry."

"Right... Can I help you carry your bags in?"  He asked changing the subject. 

"Yes.  So, why are you here?"

"Football.  I thought I told you I got a scholarship for football. This is my big chance at getting drafted,"  he said grabbing some of my bags.  I grabbed the rest and we went up to my dorm to drop it off. 

We dropped our things off, and he leaned down to kiss me.  I put my finger up and said, "Woah, there casanova.  Don't even think about it."

"Okay,"  he said putting his hands up in defeat.  

"Bye, Juan.  I'll see you around.  I'll text you."

"Okay.  Bye."  He left and I was all alone in the room.  That gave me some time to text Damion. 

Me:  We finally made it!

Damion <3:  Good!  How was the trip?

Me:  Boring.  Tiring. 

Damion <3:  Sounds like you two had some fun.  When can I come and visit?

Damion wanted to come and visit me?  That got my attention. 

Me:  Whenever you want!  Juan goes here, too.

Damion <3: Really? I've got no chance then ;)

Me:  Whatever!  You know I love you!

Damion <3:  I know... That's the problem.

Me:  No! There is no problem. 

Damion <3:  Sweetheart, I don't think this is such a good idea.

Me:  Really?  I'll let you sleep.  Bye.

Damion <3:  Bye :(

This really sucked.  I missed the one man I couldn't have.  I couldn't lead Juan on.  That would be so wrong.  I didn't want to be like Damion.  I picked the bed I wanted and started cleaning up my things.  Who knows where Julia went off to. 

My classes didn't start for another two days, so I had some time to get to know people and see where things were.   I decided to go to the cafeteria to see if they had any good food. 

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