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Taylor's POV

I don't understand why she had to save me.  If she hadn't of come back into the house she would still be here.  I really didn't want to have to live this guilt for the rest of my life.  It didn't help now I had to live with my dad and his new trophy wife.  Jared and Alexis were my new home now that my mother was dead.  

My dad was the only one who came to the funeral.  I was glad he didn't bring her along.  She looked like she hopped right out of a playboy magazine.  This is why he cheated on my mom with her, I would assume.  All that matters is that for the rest of my life I am stuck with them instead of Cathleen,  my mother.  

Of course, my mother was just like any other mother.  She was beautiful.  Her blue eyes made her blonde hair stand out more than normal peoples do.  I adored her more than anyone else.  

She had the chance to let me go when I was really young, but she didn't.  She kept me, even though she was a single mother.  Now I had no one. 

I was thinking this while they lowered her into the ground.  That was the worst part of it all.  Afterward, my dad walked up to me and asked me if I was ready to go.  Of course, I wasn't but I said yes. 

"How are you feeling, Kiddo?"  He asked staring at the long stretch of Arizona road. 

"How do you think?  Plus, don't call me kiddo.  I'm going to be 18 in three weeks, or did you forget that?"

"Now Taylor Shaye, do not start being like that with me.  I'm only trying to help,"  he said.  I knew when they used my full name they were not happy with me. 

"Yeah, well, you leaving us didn't exactly qualify as help."

"Yes, I know that.  I'd never thought this would happen to you guys."

"Like you even care.  You only took me because you had to,"  I said looking out the window. 

"Enough Taylor!"  He yelled. 

The rest of the car ride was very quiet.  I felt little to no regret for what I said.  I meant it all.  I just hope I don't have to spend too much 'family time' with the two of them.

"We are here,"  he said as we pulled up to a mansion style house.  

"Okay,"  I said rolling my eyes. 

Since the fire burnt the house, I had nothing, but what was at my friend, Julia's, house.  I was not very excited for this. 

We walked into the house, and I got smashed with... boobs.  Yes, I knew she would be here, but I couldn't deal with anymore hugging.  That's all anyone has done to me for the past three days.  Hugging and kissing and saying 'I'm sorry'. 

"Taylor!  I'm so glad you're here,"  she said with a huge smile. 

"Hi, Alexis."

"Please, honey, call me Lexi.  I'm so happy to finally have another girl in the house.  It gets super boring living here with your dad and-"  She paused and looked at my dad.  "You know what?  I have some snacks for you."

I was really confused.  Maybe all of the hair dye went to her brain.  I laughed at my own joke.  I'm so lame. 

"What's so funny?"  Alexis asked. 

"Nothing.  I was just thinking,"  I said smiling at her. 

"Okay..."  She said laughing.  If only, she knew. 

We grabbed some food and talked while we ate.   She wasn't too bad, but no thanks. 

"So, what's for sup-"  Just as we got ready to do the dishes a tall man with black hair and blue eyes was standing there. 

My Dad's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now