Move On

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Damion's POV

I woke up the next morning still laying next to Taylor.  She was beautiful when she was sleeping.  She stirred a little, but I knew she wouldn't wake up just yet.  I was staring at her while she was sleeping, and I hadn't noticed that she really did wake up.

"Staring isn't nice,"  she whispered turning towards me.  Her bright blue eyes shone with happiness. 

"Yes, well, there are some people who can't stop staring at a piece of artwork,"  I said messing with her hair.  

She rolled her eyes and got up out of bed.  "I really need a shower, and you really need to leave my room before my dad gets home and sees you in here."

"Okay,"  I said walking over to kiss her. 

"No,"  she said putting her hand up to stop me. 

"Why?"  I asked confused. 

"I have really bad morning breath right now,"  she said covering her mouth while she was talking.

"Fine.  I get two when you get out of the shower, though,"  I said walking out of her room.  I walked downstairs, so I could make breakfast for Taylor and I.  I was really hungry, and I knew she would be too. 

"Who is she, Damion?"  I heard a familiar voice ask from behind me.

"What?"  I asked not understanding why she cared. 

"Who did you get to screw you other than me?"  She asked again with an amused look on her face.  This was a game to her. 

"Why do you care?  Julianne, I don't think you should be here,"  I said getting angry.  I knew Taylor would be devastated if she saw Julianne here. 

"Yeah... Well... Unless you leave her, I'll tell her father on the both of you.  You'll be homeless and you'll never get to see her again,"  Julianne said with an evil smirk set on her face.  She was so evil, I knew she would do it.

"Okay.  Now... Get out!"  I said. 

"Fine.  Bye, Damion,"  she said walking out the front door.  

Did I have a choice anymore?  I had to leave.  She needed to move on with her life.  I needed to do what was best for the both of us.  I wasn't right for her, and I was just holding her back from the life she deserved to have.  Plus, I couldn't risk getting into trouble and never seeing her again.  I knew she would, at least, forgive me if I just broke it off now. 

"Okay, I'm ready now,"  she announced when she walked into the kitchen. 

She was wearing a yellow sundress with yellow flats.  Of course, she would have to make this harder than it already was.  

"Taylor, we need to talk,"  I said moving to the table.  I tried to hide the sadness that was laced through my voice.

"Oh, no.  This cannot be good,"  she said with a grim look. 

"Yeah... Well... I really do have to move.  You'll be leaving for college.  I think we should move away from each other.  I understand if you hate me more than the devil right now, but it's just something we have to do,"  I said not looking directly at her.  When I finally looked up there were tears falling down her face.  This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

"You... Promised.  You said you wouldn't leave me!  You promised!"  She yelled with tears streaming down her face.  This is the second time I had made her cry and I hated myself for it.  


She interrupted me and said, "No.  Just... Just leave."

I got up and walked out the door.  I knew what was best for the both of us.  I loved her too much to keep her.  I guess the saying is true.  If you love something let it go, and if it comes back then don't let it go again.  I can honestly say that if she come my way again in a couple of months then I really won't let her go, but right now I had to do what was best. 

Taylor's POV

I watched as Damion walked out of the front door.  I waited until I heard his car start and pulled out of the driveway to start completely breaking down.  I ran upstairs and laid in bed for a good part of the day.  He never came back.  I guess it was for the best considering my dad came home. 

"Taylor, it's time to eat,"  my dad called up to me.  

"Okay,"  I said getting up from the bed.  I really wasn't up to eating, but I put on a smile and sat down at the table with my father and Lexi.  "Where's Damion?"  I asked even though I already knew where he was.  I just didn't want it to sound too obvious. 

"He moved out.  He said he needed to get out on his own for a while.  I mean he is twenty-eight years old,"  my dad said while scoping green beans on his plane. 

"Yeah, I know,"  I said looking down at my plate pushing my food around on my plate. 

"Right... So, have you picked a college?"  He asked changing the topic. 

"I was thinking I could go to good old Arizona state,"  I said not really wanting to move away too far. 

"Really?  So close to home?  What about Michigan State?  Or Ohio State?"  He asked.  I knew what he wanted.  He wanted the same thing that Damion wanted.  Me to get over Damion.  I hated to tell everyone, but it wasn't going to happen.  I could try, but I wasn't making any promises. 

"Yeah!  Ohio State.  I will go there.  I was accepted there too,"  I said hoping I sounded happy enough. 

"Good!  It's settled then.  You will go to Ohio State,"  My father said raising his fork to his mouth.  

I was nervous, but then I didn't have to see Damion anymore.  This would be good for me.  I loved him so much still.  I needed to move on.  Ohio was the place to go to do that... I guess. 

^^Picture of Taylor's outfit.  

Question:  What college to you guys think is the best?

My answer:  I really like Ohio State, but I would much rather get accepted into Stanford or Harvard. 

Vote.  Comment.  Follow. 

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