Turning Eighteen

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Damion's POV

I went to sleep not even wanted to debate what Taylor had said.  Of course, I wanted her, but I wasn't going to risk going to jail because I'd never see her again.  We had to wait until, at least, tomorrow.  I would prefer not to do it at all because Jared was my best friend. 

I was woken up by a warm body next to me.  I turned over and looked into the face of the most beautiful blonde girl I had ever seen.  Taylor, of course.

"Good morning, birthday girl,"  I said looking at the clock.  It was one o'clock in the morning.  She was officially eighteen. 

"You're not going to run?"  She asked with a smirk.

"Nope.  This is my room dearie.  You'll get in trouble, not me."  I could feel the hesitation coming from her body.  I couldn't blame her.  I felt the same way. 

"You're not going to warn me about the trouble we are going to get into?"  She asked running her fingers through my hair.  It felt really nice.

"You're eighteen now,"  I said searching her face for a reaction. 

"Damion, do you have any feelings for me at all?"  She asked. 

"Of course.  I just can't act on them."

"Well, you don't seem like it,"  she said noticing that I was wearing a shirt.  She moved her hand down to by stomach.  

"Taylor..."  I whispered as she moved her way down to my pants line.

I could feel myself starting to get hard and she felt it too.  Her eyes got big and she pulled the covers off. "I'm sorry, Taylor.  It's just you were... And I couldn't."

She kissed me hard and made her way down  my body, making sure she kissed every spot she touched.  She finally made it to the spot that longed for her.  She pulled off my shorts to find a full erection.  Her eyes got even bigger and I got nervous. 

Was I smaller than normal?  I had never been self-conscience about myself until now.  "Say something, damn it!" I half whispered, half yelled.

She giggled then said, "You're huge,"  then covered me with her mouth.  She kept going until I couldn't take it anymore.  I had to have her.  I flipped her over and ran my tongue down her neck.  I heard a small moan pass through her lips, and I knew that I'd hit the sweet spot.  

"Damion..."  My name passed out of her lips like she was cursing the world. I made my way down her body, going slow just to torment her.  When I finally made my way to her she moaned and arched off of the bed.  I couldn't help but laugh when she grabbed my hair.  

I got on top and kissed her gently.  I waited for her to okay what I was doing and thrust in.  Her moan echoed through the whole room as I finally made us whole.  

"Damion!  Yes!"  She panted as I thrust in and out of her.  

"Taylor... I have to pull out,"  I whispered in her ear.

"No... Don't pull out, yet,"  She whispered back breathlessly.

I knew I should have, but her warm eyes pleaded me to keep going on.  I kept going until I knew she was done.  

"Wow... Damion, you're amazing,"  she said kissing me. 

"Better than Juan?"  I asked looking at her.  

"Much better,"  she whispered in my ear. 

Taylor's POV

It was three in the morning when I woke up again.  I remembered I was lying next to a naked Damion and decided to make some of it.  I made my way back down to his member and started to kiss it.  I heard him moan, but he didn't wake up, so I took him in my mouth. 

"Fuck, Taylor.  You'll be the death of me.  If you don't stop I'm going to have to take you again,"  he said smirking down at me. 

"That's what I'm counting on,"  I said as I put him back in my mouth.

When I said that I felt it twitch and I looked down to find him fully ready again.  I got up and straddled his lap. "Ready?"  I asked and he just smirked.   I sat down and a wonder of pleasure came over me.  It was almost twice as big as Juan's and you could defiantly tell. 

"Taylor!"  I heard Damion moan my name, so I started going faster.  He moved his hips while I moved up and down.  It didn't take as long as it did the first time.  We came twice before I finally got off of him.  I laid down next to him and rubbed his chest. 

"Taylor, I love you,"  he said and gave me a big kiss.  "If you ever want me to ever have sex with you again, you need to let me sleep,"  he said with a warm smile.


He wrapped his arms around me, and we slept like that for the rest of the night.  I could really get used to this.  

^^Picture of Julianne

Sorry the picture is a couple of chapters late, but here it is. 

I'm also sorry the chapter is not very long.  I will try to make them longer.  I just ran out of ideas. 

Question: Pringles or regular potato chips?

My answer:  Pringles all the way!  

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