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Taylor's POV

Lexi and I didn't get back until 10:00 p.m.  We stopped at Subway for lunch, like she promised, and we ate at a sports bar for supper. 

"Lexi. Taylor.  Nice to finally see you,"  my father said as we walked in the door.

"Sorry, dad,"  I said running over to give him a hug.  "We were having fun."

His face told me he was shocked that I actually used the word fun.  It was true, though.  It kinda surprised me too.  I do have to admit that. 

"Good!  Great!  What all did you guys get?"  He asked

"Dresses, pants, shorts, skirts, dressy shirts, t-shirts, and multiple other items,"  Lexi said laughing.  She picked us out most of the dressy things. 

"Yeah, lots of stuff.  Like I may need more bookshelves and a desk,"  I said acting like I was counting everything I would need on my fingers. 

"Lexi, you should have gotten those things,"  my dad said kissing her cheek.

"Sorry-" Lexi started to say, but I had to defend her. 

"No, it was my fault.  I didn't say anything.  I just thought of it,"  I said sticking up for my step-mom, plus my best friend in this town. 

"Okay.  Let's carry things in,"  Damion said standing up from the couch.  

"You guys go do that.  Lexi and I have some plans we need to take care of,"  my dad said grabbing Lexi's hand.

"Ew... Too much information.  Night,"  I said walking outside. 

"Taylor, we need to talk."  I heard Damion say from behind me. 

Oh boy!

Damion's POV

I helped Taylor carry in her things and told her we needed to talk.  She didn't look too enthused. 

"No... We don't have to talk.  Damion, it's your life you do with it what you want."

We took all of her things to her room and I shut the door. 

"Taylor... Please,"  I asked half begging. 

"Fine.  What?"

"Julianne was here for-"

"Sex.  I know what sex is,"  she said giving me the dumb teenager look.  Well, the look that said that the adult was being dumb.  Which in a way, I was being dumb. 

"Taylor... I'm sorry,"  I said feeling really embarrassed. 

"For what?"  She asked looking at me with a confused look. 

"You know..."  I said trying to hint to her without actually having to say it out loud. 

"Having sex?  Really?"  She asked shrugging her arms.  She was so nonchalant about it.  

"Yes, for having sex with you in the house."

"Don't feel bad.  If you don't tell dad I'm bringing a guy named Juan over tonight then I will not tell my dad on you,"  she said.  Great!  Blackmail.  Wait! Who was Juan?

"Juan?"  I asked voicing my thoughts.

"Yes.  He gave me his number, and I just really want to have fun tonight.  Please,"  she said going to her closet. 

"Fine.  This is a one-time deal, though,"  I said feeling a pang of jealousy run through me.  God, I was a horrible person. 

"Why?  Jealous?"  She asked with a smirk.

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