It's not a Dream

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Taylor's POV

I woke up the next morning face to face with Damion. He was still asleep. His face was beautiful when he slept. He looked so peaceful. "You do realize that it's not nice to stare?" He whispered opening his eyes.

"Umm... Sorry," I said jumping off the bed. Embarrassed was not the word I was thinking. More like death.

"Okay. So, today we are going to talk about what happened at the restaurant. You said there was a man with her?" He questioned throwing on pants and a nice dress shirt. He looked hot.

"Yes. He knew who you were too," I said looking at the clothes that were put in the closet. "Please, tell me this is just a dream," I said to myself.
"Nope. It's not a dream," Damion said kissing my cheek.

"You mean I have to wear a dress everyday?" I asked staring at the clothes.

"They're shorter, so you won't be tripping over them," he said giving me a small smile. "Get dressed and meet me downstairs for breakfast."

I stood in front of the closet staring at all the dresses. I finally decided on a mid-thigh length black dress with gold across the neckline. In decided that taking a shower was best. The bathroom was stocked with everything a girl could possibly need. I see where Damion got his shopping skills. I got dressed and threw my hair into a high ponytail. I put some makeup on my eyes and was ready to go.

I walked downstairs and saw Damion talking to Big Daddy. When they noticed me walk in they stopped. "Wow. Damion don't let this one go. She is gorgeous," Big Daddy said making me blush.

"Don't worry pops. I won't. No chance in Hell I'll let Devin or Derek have a chance with her."

"Ummm... I love compliments, but I'm super hungry. Damion could we eat please?"

"Yeah mom left some things on the counter. I'll be in soon."

I left for the kitchen so that Damion could finish talking to Big Daddy. I still found it wierd calling him that. When I walked in I saw the pancakes she left out. They were still warm too. Yum.

"Don't eat to much. Damion doesn't like fat girls," I heard Sara say as she walked in. She looked beautiful today. Her short dress showed off her long legs.

"Yeah. Thanks," I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't believe me. Whatever," she said glaring at me and walking out.

Ugh! One more person whon doesn't like me. Yay!

Damion's POV

Taylor had been in the shower for a long time son I decided to now would be a perfect time to talk to my father about what we should do. If it was only Carrie and a stooge we could handle it.

I sent her to the kitchen to eat breakfast while I finished talking to my father. I didn't want her scared over nothing. My goal was tonmake her safe again and then be able to take her home and forget about my family. That couldn't happen though. This situation showed me that my father needed me.

"Damion, you might want to get in the kitchen," Sara said.


"Because you girlfriend is going to get fat eating all of that food," she said smirking.

Right as she said that Devin walked in. "Sara, even if she does get fat, she would still be twenty times prettier than you," he said sitting on the couch.

"Okay. That's enough. First, her name is Taylor. Second, she won't get fat. Lastly, she's off limits to all of you!" I said leaving the room.

I got to the kitchen and Taylor was just staring out the window. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Hey, babe. Why aren't you eating?"

"Because you don't like fat girls."

"Taylor, that's not true. You're not even fat. You need to eat."

"Why didn't you tell me that you were part of the mafia? That's a big secret to keep from someone who you claim to love. That's not okay," she said walking away from me.

"I know that was not right. I just wanted to protect you from this life. It's dangerous being in this line of work."

"I want to go home. I don't care what goes on any more. This is fucked up. If Carrie wants you enough to kill me then she can have you. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of the lies and the secrets! I just want to go home," she said with tears streaming down her face.

"You can't go home. As soon as we catch her. I will have Derek drive you home," I said leaning against the counter.

"Derek? Why Derek?"

"Because I can't take you home and drop you off."

"What? You can just stay with me at home."

"My dad needs me here. I love you enough to let you go home alone. Like I said before, you don't need to be involved with my family."

Tears started flowing more than before. "What have I got to lose. I'm not leaving you. Damion, I love you."

"We will see how you feel in a week."

"Damion, I hate to interrupt your special moment, but we found Carrie. We have to go now," Derek ran in saying.

I walked over to Taylor and kisses her forehead. "I love you so much. I'm sorry I kept this from you. I'll be back soon. Devin will keep you safe until then."

I turned to leave and I heard her whisper, "Please, tell me this is a dream. I love you, Damion."

Thanks for reading this chapter! I'm super excited for it!

Picture: Family House

Song: Just a dream- Carrie Underwood

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