Hot Breakfast

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Damion's POV

I woke up right at 5:30.  I got in the shower and got dressed, not expecting anyone up, yet.  That was until I walked out to the kitchen and saw Taylor sitting there.

"Good morning, Taylor.  How did you sleep?"

"Not very good.  By the way, I saw your little girlfriend,"  she said as I started making coffee. 

I turned around and said, "Don't tell your father."  I didn't mean to sound like I was begging, but I did. Her dad could not find out that I brought a girl home last night.

"Ehh... I'll think about it.  You never know what I really have up my sleeve,"  she said with a smirk.

"Really!  Wow!  After everything-"

"Woah, woah, woah!  Wait just one minute!  First, I only just met you yesterday, and secondly, who are you to tell me what to do?"  She asked standing up and walking towards me. 

"Taylor?  Damion?"  I heard Jared calling for us so I told her to go and hide.  She agreed and ran for the dining room. 

"Yes, Jared?"

"Damion?  Are you the only one down here?"  He asked rubbing his eyes. 

"Yes.  Why are you up so early?"  I asked acting like I was still making the coffee. 

"I thought I heard yelling.  Obviously, not,"  he said yawning. 

"Yep, no one but me."

"Okay... I'm going back to bed,"  he said turning and waving. 


Jared left and I heard footsteps coming back to the kitchen. 

"That was really close," Taylor whispered. 

She came over and leaned on the counter next to me.  Her long blonde hair was around her shoulders and her bright blue eyes were much bigger in the morning.  She had a tank top on that really amplified the chest area and short shorts that showed off her bottom.  She had a very nice shape.

"Does that happen every morning?"  She asked pointing at my growing erection. 

"Yes, I'm sorry.  Normally, it goes down by now.  I'm so sorry.  Does it make you uncomfortable?"  I asked staring at her face to see a reaction. 

"No.  I was just wondering.  So, do you think you could ever teach me anything?"  She asked getting closer.  I was nervous considering the fact that she was my best friend's daughter, and she wasn't even of legal age, yet. 

"About what?"  I knew what she was talking about, but I didn't really want to assume anything this early in the morning.

"About sex and how-"

"Wow, Taylor... Stop." 

I woke up for real when I said that to her.  

I couldn't believe that it was all just a dream.  It felt so real.  Maybe Taylor didn't see Julianne after all.  

"Damion!  Let's go!"  I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:15.

Shit!  "Okay!  Hang on."  I threw on some pants and a shirt with a tie.


"I'm coming!"  I yelled. 

"I'll be in the car,"  Jared said.  We carpooled together because it saved on gas for the both of us. 

I walked out of my room and saw Taylor sitting on the couch.  

"Bye, Taylor."

"Bye, Juli- I mean Damion,"  she said with a smirk. 

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