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Damion's POV

After Taylor and I got done, I got into the shower. It was good to know that she wasn't too mad at me because I hadn't talked to her in like two days. I really did care for her.

"Taylor, you wanna go out for dinner tonight? Tomorrow is Saturday so we can finally spend some time together," I said while towel drying my hair.

"Sure but I have to go to my form to shower and change," she said smirking at me.

"Or you could shower here and where my apology present."

"What apology present?" She asked standing up. I could tell she was confused as to why she couldn't just go back to her dorm. I had my own reasons.

"The present I got you to apologize for not talking to you for two days," I said handing her to gift boxes.

"Damion, you really didn't have to." She opened up the box to reveal a beautiful knee length red dress. The next box had black heels to match. My mom sure knew how to give good shopping advice.  

"Oh my goodness! I love them!" She yelled hugging me.

"Great. I'm hoping you'll forgive me."

"Honestly, there's nothing to forgive you for. I understand you were busy. Thank you for the dress anyways. I'm gonna go shower," she said kissing my cheek.

"Okay. I'll see you in a little while babe."

Taylor's POV

I couldn't believe he actually bought me a new dress and heels. He showed me to the bathroom I could use and it was beautiful. It had everything a girl could possibly want in a bathroom. Tons of salts, soaps, and perfumes matched with lotions.

I ran myself a nice bath and used some lavender salts. I take a short shower after and rinse off with some lavender soap. I put on my red dress and sprayed myself with vanilla perfume.

I walked out and saw Damion standing by the counter. "So... What do you think?" I asked spinning around.

"You look wonderful. How did you like the bathroom?" He asked grabbing me.

"It's wonderful. There's so much stuff to choose from. So... Where are we going for dinner? I'm starving."

"How does steak sound? I couldn't decide between fancy or laid back," he said. I could tell he put a lot of thought into the restaurant.

"Steak sounds delicious."

"Great! Let's go before you starve to death."

He drove us to the restaurant and got us a table. When I looked up I saw Juan. Seeing him brought back Daniels face in my mind. "Asshole," I whispered to myself.

"What?" Damion asked glancing where I was standing. Juan must have felt me staring because he looked up and smirked.

"Ugh. He's such an ass," I said getting angry.

"Did I miss something?"

"Juan found out that I found out that he cheated on me with Julia. Daniel, his roommate and my friend, told me about it. He decided to hurt Daniel because I had to open my big mouth," I explained to Damion. I didn't want him to worry too much.

"Oh. So Daniel is?"

"Daniel is a friend. He's kinda like my older brother to me. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried."

The waitress came over and took our order. She wasn't too enthusiastic that I was Damion's date. She rarely acknowledged that I was Damion's there until Damion asked me questions.

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