Give me time!

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Damion's POV

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Carrie.  I heard my door open so I shut my eyes really fast.  I heard someone tip-toe up to my bed, but I didn't dare look. 

"Damion,"  I felt Taylor tap my arm.  When I didn't respond she smacked me harder.

"What?!"  I whispered. 

"Good, you're awake,"  she said with a big smile.

Carrie started moving, and Taylor kneeled beside the bed so she wouldn't be seen.  "Damion?  Why are you up so early?"  Carrie yawned.

"I'm just not tired.  Go back to bed, and I'll go make some breakfast."

She rolled back over, and I looked to see if Taylor was still there.  Nope.  I went out to the kitchen and started making breakfast like I said I would. 

"Yum... Smells delicious.  What's for breakfast?"  Taylor asked sitting at the counter.

"Eggs and bacon.  Now... Why the hell did you come in my room at 7 o'clock in the morning?"  I asked flipping the bacon. 

"You see, I really wanted to give you a present, but you'll just have to wait until everyone wakes up now,"  she smirked.  I knew she was up to something. 


"Ah, ah, ah,"  she said wagging her finger at me.  "I'm not going to tell you.  I can tell you no one is going to be ready for what I'm going to say, though."

"Okay," I said in surrender to her.  I finished breakfast and handed her a plate.  Carrie came out soon after and sat on the counter next to me.  I handed her a plate and saw Juan sitting next Taylor.  I was not jealous.  I kept telling myself this until Carrie interrupted my thought. 

"Damion, what do you say we go back to your room,"  she whispered in my ear. 

I wanted to tell her, no, but Taylor and Juan were so engulfed with each other I decided to say yes.  "Yeah.  Let's go."  I glanced at Taylor one last time and I could see the hurt in her eyes.  

'She needs a taste of her own medicine anyway' my brain said. 

'But you love her.  You shouldn't hurt her like this' my heart said. 

Being the guy that I was I listened to my heart.  I never went to the bedroom.  I decided to stay in the living room.  "Babe... What are you doing?"  Carrie asked sitting next to me.

"I'm not really in the mood.  I think we should wait until we go home."  She whinnied, but finally stopped when she noticed I wasn't going to give in.  I watched some tv until everyone got up.  Carrie decided to go back to sleep because she was mad.  Taylor wanted to take a shower.  Juan said he wanted to talk to me. 

"What's up, Juan,"  I said when he sat down next to me. 


So he wanted to talk about Taylor.  Great!  One more person to convince me that I didn't need her anymore.  "What about her?"  I asked flipping mindlessly through the channels.

"I think you should stay away from her.  I'm pretty sure you don't have a chance in hell to take her from me, again,"  he said.  I turned to look at him.  He had guilt in his eyes. 

I saw Taylor looking in on us.  She didn't know that I noticed, though.  She looked beautiful in her red dress.  She was beautiful and I knew that she wanted me to say something that sounded more like what I would say.  So I said, "Really.  I'm pretty sure, no I'm positive, you will not tell me what to do.  If I want to talk to her I will.  Now, if you will excuse me, Ralphy is about to shoot his eye out,"  I said turning back to the tv. 

Taylor's POV

I overheard Juan and Damion talking.  I knew the were talking about me because Juan didn't like the fact I was here with him.  It drove him crazy.  I walked into the living room, and Juan got up to kiss me.  I moved my face so that he would kiss me on the cheek.  I saw Damion smirk, and I had to hold back a laugh.  We all sat there for about an hour until Sophia finally came down the stairs with Julian trailing close behind her. 

"It's about time you girls woke up,"  Juan said. 

They just glared at him.  I laughed.  "Damion, you should make them some eggs and bacon,"  I said looking over at Damion. 

"Why?  Do you want some more?"  He asked laughing. 


"Okay.  Fine.  Eggs and bacon coming right up."

Everyone just stared at me when Damion go up to go make some food. "What?"

"Taylor, can we talk?"  Julia asked as she walked up the stairs.  She stopped once we hit her room.  "So, Damion?"

"What about him?"  I asked not really understanding the question that she was asking.

"You two kissed,"  she whispered holding her hand over her mouth.


"I've known you since you were five years old.  I know when you're hiding something.  Are you still head over heels in love with him?" She asked.  She was right.  We had known each other for as long as I can remember. 

"No.  Maybe."


"Fine.  Yes!  What do I do?"  I asked. 

"Nothing.  Just come back with us and let him move on with Carrie."

"Food's done!"  I heard Damion yell. 

"Trust me, Taylor.  It's for the best.  I'm only looking out for you."

I shook my head and walked down to the kitchen to eat.  I didn't look at Damion when I grabbed my plate.  I felt him touch my arm, but I just kept on walking. 

"Taylor?"  I could hear the pain in his voice. 

"Damion, what part of this is okay?" I whispered so that no one would overhear.

"What brought this up?"

"Carrie.  Juan.  Our relationship is not okay to begin with." 

"Right.  Carrie.  So no more us?"  he asked motioning between us.


"Let me ask it this way.  Do you want there to be an 'us'?"  

"Damion... I-"

"Babe?  Jared and Lexi are up.  They want to do gifts,"  Carrie said in Damion's ear. 

"Okay.  I'll be right there,"  he said staring at me. 

Carrie left and I said, "I don't think there could be an 'us' anymore."

Damion shook his head, and I could tell he was mad.  "Taylor!  Do you not understand?  I love you.  I want you to tell me what you want and I will make it happen."

"Give me some time."  I left and went into the living room to see Lexi and my father. 

This was going to be a long Christmas. 

^^Taylor's Red Dress

Question:  Do you like Taylor or Carrie more?  What do you think of their red dresses? 

My Answer:  Personally I like Taylor's dress better, and I can't tell you which girl I like more. I'm very biased. 

Thank you!

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