The Funeral

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Taylor's POV

I got dressed in my black dress and the heels Damion bought me. I haven't stayed in the dorm room all week. I really didn't have the stomach to. I haven't really talked to anyone in the last week either. I've stayed locked up in the room Damion let me use.

"Taylor, are you ready to go?" Damion asked through my door.

"Yes. I'll be out in a minute."

Damion drove us to the funeral and I walked straight to the casket. They already carried her to the hole and was lowering her down. I was so disappointed in myself for leaving her all alone that night. Some of her friends from school were there, including Sophia and Daniel.

Sophia must have saw me because when it was over she decided to come talk to me. "Taylor, I'm so sorry about Julia. Juan had no right to do what he did."

"Damn right he didn't. He might as well tied that rope himself. Juan is a murderer. You know what? I don't blame him though! It's all my fault. I should've choose him, right? Then Daniel wouldn't be all bruised up and Julia would still be alive."

"Taylor, it's not your fault. Julia and Daniel are not your fault," Sophia said trying to comfort me.

"Sophia, shut up! Your brother did this!" I yelled and walked away.

"I tried to make up for it, but your so down on yourself that you won't even listen."

"You want to make up for it?" I asked turning around to face her.


"Then leave me the hell alone. I don't want to see you or Juan ever again," I said to Sophia. I just wanted to go home. Home, as in Arizona.

I got into Damion's car and we drove back to his apartment. He looked nervous and I felt bad for him, but I wasn't in the mood to talk.

I went back to my room for the rest of the night. I was wore out from crying and arguing with myself.

"Can we talk?" Damion asked knocking on my bedroom door.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" I asked sitting up on my bed.

"You. I think we need to go back to Arizona. You being here is not good for you. I'm sorry, but we need to go."

"Damion, I don't want you to get mad at me or anything, but-"

"Don't tell me. You don't want to go," he said staring at me.

"No. I was going to ask if we could leave tonight. I totally agree with you. I want to go home."

"Yes, we can leave tonight. All your boxes and bags are waiting on us. I hope you don't mind. Julia's mom and dad packed up everything in the room."

"It's fine. Give me some time to pack up the things I have here," I said getting up.

I only knew that Damion was right. I needed to go home. I was going to miss Daniel. I also needed to apologize to Sophia. Juan didn't know Julia would do that. It was nobody's fault. I finished packing and went out to the living room.

"I have some more things I need to do before we leave for Arizona," I said dropping my bags.

"Okay. Whatever you need to do. We should get going though."


Damion drove me to the dorms so I could grab my things. Before I did that I decided to go talk to Juan and Daniel. I knocked on their door and Juan answered.


"Hey, Juan. Is Daniel here?"

"Yes, but can we talk first?" He asked closing the door behind him.

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