the beginning

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Have you ever regretted something so much it eats you away inside? Rolling around your brain like a song that won't get out of your head. And no matter how hard you try to forget it, it comes back again. Devouring any coherent thought besides it.

Well that's a good way to describe what Phillip Lester was thinking.

Or that's just the name he chose to be called anyway.

Now that he had ruined his life he decided to try and start over again.

His real name was Michael Lee Phillips. Switching a few letters and names around he decided to be called Phillip Michael Lester. His nickname was Phil anyway so it would be easy to get used to.

Back to the bad memory song.

It stung his brain making his chest tight. Everyone called him a monster.

Soon enough he believed them.

An: this probs won't be updated much but I wanted to write another story so oops.

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