where do we go from here

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"Aria why have you been so distant with me these past two weeks?" Liam asked

"Liam I don't know I just I was ready to come out here. it's beautiful it is. I'm just I don't feel well and I just want to be home. I just want to finish that book. I just want to be laying in my own bed. at least until everything's right and then I'll be able to relax in a place like this especially." I sighed. Liam walked up and grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"look me and you when you figure this all out when you get that book done and everything else we are going to leave for a few months. just me and you. no worries. no distractions. no Ezra."

"no Ezra?" I questioned

"the book."

"right no Ezra..."

"look we don't have much longer. then it's me you a bed and a beach somewhere far far away. Then we'll move back to Boston and we'll finally build us a home. because let's face it rosewood isn't home Aria. home is back in Boston." I just nodded. the fact was everything he said was right. home isn't rosewood. rosewood has never been a safe place for me. But I'm just now realizing what I missed the most. it was Ezra. he was home. was my home. and now I knew why I've felt homesick for so long these past few years. I started packing my things and we headed back to rosewood.

the moment we got back Liam had to be heading back to Boston but i didn't mind. the first thing I was doing was going to see Ezra. I got to the brew I went and knocked on the door. he didn't answer. I got the spare key from the kitchen and went in his apartment. it was a mess. but when I looked around I felt my world crumble. everything we've been doing to get this out of his system these past few months. there's beer bottles everywhere. he handy drank in awhile. he hasn't run away either. have I caused this? I called and called. no answer. I went and laid in his bed. flashbacks hit me. from the moment we kissed all over again to me in his bed wrapped up in the sheets naked. I fell asleep in one of his shirts smelling his cologne. it was about 2am when I woke as I heard the door bust open. I walked out slowly hiding so Ezra wouldn't see me. I heard moaning and heavy breathing. Ezra had brought home a girl. and he's heading for his bedroom. I ran behind his couch and when he walked in his room with her I made a break for it. I ran outside. it was pouring. I just sat there in the ran and couldn't feel a thing. I didn't know why it hurt so much because he wasn't mine.

I went down stairs around 1. I picked up some books off the table and set them back on their shelf. I turned to go towards the back and there was Aria. she smiled shyly and I fell in love all over again. she walked towards me.

"Wanna get going on this book?"

"yeah yeah sure come on upstairs." we got in the apartment. we both say there for a long while not talking. finally Aria spit it out.

"Ezra are you drinking again?"

"that's none of your business Aria."

"yes yes it is."

"why is it your concern Aria?"

"because Ezra I care for you damnit! you got through all of this and I can't bare to see it again."

"your good at leaving so it wouldn't shock me if you left."

"Ezra I was here last night... I saw you with that girl. who was that?"

"Aria like I said just leave you are good at that."

"no Ezra! I saw you at your worst and I never fucking thought about leaving you. Now damnit Ezra who was that girl!?"

"are you jealous?"

"Ezra... Please."

"Aria quit acting like you care about me you don't see me. All you see is Liam and that's why you left me for so long. you decided to stay with him."

"Ezra! God dang it. I left for two weeks I didn't tell you to go get drunk and fuck every whore around!.........
and yes I do see you. your all I see. don't you get it? I can't take my eyes off you. I wait for you and I watch for you. you own me! It's I just can't think about anything or anybody! and I can't sleep much anymore and I can't breathe, I can't eat, and yes I love you I do. I just love you all the time. Every minute of everyday. when my eyes meet yours  I get this overwhelming emotion I can't put into words. My worst fear is losing you and Ezra I'm such a jealous asshole but what else am I supposed to be? It's just it's always been you and I want you and I want us. but we can't. not yet. we can't go into this thing broken or else we won't survive. we need to figure out who we are before we become us again. and when that time comes it'll be perfect. But regardless, it'd be too easy right now. so please. let us finish this book and we'll go from there okay?"

"okay.... yeah... well look Aria I know now isn't the time but Jillian just texted me. she needs the  book finished in two days. they want to publish this and have it in stores within a week.  But the books already finished just I lied to you. I wanted you back here. Aria I sent the book in already. what I'm saying is the book goes on stands tomorrow... thank you!"

Fast forwards.

"so Ezra and Aria can you tell us how you got the inspiration to write these words in this book?" the interviewer asked

"well my girlfriend Nicole she just never got that goodbye she deserved from me before she died and I thought I owed her that much." the audience awed at him. as every girl stared at him. he smiled at me to talk. he didn't pay much attention to all the girls drooling over him not sure if he even knew.

"well my current boyfriend Liam inspired my writings for the book. he's uh he's pretty special. it's a once in a lifetime kinda thing ya know?" I smiled into the microphone in my chair staring at Ezra knowing each word that just came from my mouth was about him.


after a week or two of non stop interviews I've realized just how big this book was. one of our last nights in New York we were going to our books congratulations dinner type party in our hotel and well before the party Ezra was in my room. no exactly sure why but he looked at me while I was in the mirror getting ready and I knew exactly why I loved him so much. Its that look he gives me. we went walking into the halls and walked to the elevator.

"here let me get your tie." I smiled fixing his tie.

"thanks." he stared into my eyes for a long while. he finally wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me closer in. I heard someone coming I broke the moment and told him if take the next elevator down and meet him there. but after a night of drinking and partying. when you wake up to 49 missed calls 78 text messages and 18 new voicemails you begin to worry.

"turn on the tv. -han"

"Aria turn on any channel it's everywhere. this is huge. your famous. -Spencer"

I began to worry I turned on the tv and there was last nights footage. of Ezra pulling me in to his body. and then me in the interview next to it talking about how much I love Liam. the title of the news border read "a love triangle springing among us?" I'm doomed.

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