he's gone

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"there's always cameras around really. not as many as at first so that's good. so how have you been?"

"I've been okay. I just got back from my parents after everything."

"Liam I'm sorry I never intended to do that to you."

"I know. You guys had history and I couldn't compare. I just wanted a future. but besides that where is he? how are you guys?"

"He's probably at his girlfriends." I said sarcastically taking a bite of my salad. he looked at me oddly

"wow you don't read any of the gossip do you?" I countinued 

"What gossip?" Liam asked

"oh well uh so Ezra and I didn't work out." I said drinking my sweet tea

"what!? Why?" I saw some relief come off of him

"well honestly I can tell you this because you're not the reporters. just I didn't like the lights. I don't. I'm all for going out in public and being in a relationship where everyone
sees but not the whole world. that's not the life I ever wanted. I can't handle it. I never planned that life with him.."

** 3 months later**

"so Aria are you and Ezra back together? what made you get back?"

"I don't know really... we found eachother again. I was never sure I told him we've tried a thousand times and he told me let's try a thousand in one and that's all the convincing I needed."

"It seems nothing is ever going to get in the way of fate between you two." The women said

"yeah I guess so." I smiled then I heard a video behind me playing.. it was the interview from months ago. I thought about all the ways we went wrong then. the interview of where I said I didn't think Ezra and I would ever be back. I laughed. as I heard what I said in that interview. because I was right...

"I mean maybe one day... years from now, we will meet again in a coffee shop or a bar in a far away city somewhere and we could give it another shot. then maybe if that ever happens I'll be giving an interview with a video of this one playing behind me and I'll laugh because then I'll know we were meant to be. but I'm happy again. he's happy again. I'm sorry for everyone I've let down. I truly am. I'm going to always be supportive of Ezra. Just like I'll always love him. A love like that.... you just you don't lose that. you don't just stop loving someone. there's always going to be a piece of him in me that I'm forever grateful for. he's made a big impact in my life and he's still going to play a role in my life. we're like best friends now. we still talk. we try and hangout sometimes.  so I'd say to them me and Ezra will just continue to be friends. but I do believe if two people are meant to be they will find their ways back to one another. I'm sorry."

when I heard the long little speech I said I just began to laugh because I didn't think I'd ever be right about Ezra and I again.

"so Aria when did Ezra break it off with gabby?"

"honestly? I'm not even sure. he broke up with her and didn't talk to me for awhile. he was hurt I think. He isolated himself and so he needed a friend during that time and I wouldn't say it was an act of love in his time of need. it was more of a friend thing and we needed up falling in love all over again but in a friendship so it all worked out." I smiled

"I see you're wearing a ring?"

"yes... so Ezra and I decided it's best to just go back to what we were."

everyone gasped

"I know I'm pretty excited. he's the love of my life.. I can't stay away from him."

"where is Ezra right now anyways?" she asked

"probably at home." I laughed. holding back my tears because I knew I was lying. in fact he was in another country looking for nicole. I haven't heard from him since he got there.

after the interview I went home. all I could think about is this not being my home or ring anymore. and Ezra... his heart won't belong to me anymore. I began to cry. ezra was calling me. I answered. he pressed FaceTime instead.

"hey you okay?" he asked

"yeah yeah... just a movie I'm watching." I laughed

we talked for a couple of minutes of when he'd be home and everything. then he told me he loves me and my whole body stiffed up. but I got some relief.

"I love you too." I smiled ending the call.

the next evening Ezra was supposed to be there three hours ago but as I continued yelling at the airline people I saw it on tv. I dropped my phone as it shattered in the ground. nicole... in ezras arms as they kissed. I felt my heart shatter too.

I had to have a few different things within this chapter happen in order for you to understand what will happen within the next few chapters. Also the next chapter will be so much better than this. this is just so we can move the story in the direction I need too(:

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