I wish you were here

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"Single malt scotch on the rocks please."

it's been two weeks since Aria left. it's just lately I've been thinking, thinking about what we had. I know it was hard but it was also all that we knew. she's alone there on that island. I wonder what she's been drinking to take all the pain away. nothing can ever replace her. nothing can make me feel the ways she does. there's no one I can relate too and I know we won't find a love that's that true. she just pushed me away when I said I loved her. so now I'm just lost in this confusion and soaking up my tears in alcohol because I was so used to making her day. but that is the past now. I guess this is what it is it's meant to be I guess. I just want to know if it was worth it. pretty sure I'll never move on. Sometimes I wake up and wish I hadn't met her. like all the memories would just leave. I thought about the way her lips felt when pressed against me. I heard she's doing fine. but maybe she is there feeling lonely even though he's right there by her side. I remember the day she told me she was leaving. I saw the makeup running down her face. I remember all the little things like the way it felt to sleep next to her. sometimes I wish I had never met because then I could go to sleep at night knowing that there was someone like her out there.

"hey you alright down there?"  a women asked. I turned and faced her.

"yeah I'm fine. just washing down my pain."

"what uh brings you here?" I asked as she got up and moved to the stool next to mine

"boyfriend dumped me. so I'm hiding my pain in the alcohol."

"the girl I loved walked out on me, or walked away anyways yeah." I sighed shrugging my shoulders locking my eyes in hers.

"why would anyone walk away from someone like you. your tall handsome and have gorgeous eyes and oh there it is you have a beautiful smile." she laughed

"why thank you. you're beautiful by the way. sitting here next to you there's no one else on my mind." I smiled

"me too."

"did you tell her you loved her?" She asked


"kinda?" She asked confused

"I should've told her sooner."


"because someone else came along and did it before I could."

"wanna get out of here?" she asked me

"yeah actually I think I do."


"Liam stop stop I hate those things!" I squealed as he threw the bug the opposite way Picking me up from behind with one arm and twirling me on the beach.  He set me down in the lounge chair near the shore and began kissing me. this place is so beautiful. But when night time fell Liam yelled for me.

I stepped outside and there was a deck like structure all set up with twinkling lights and Music. he invited me to dance. we watched the sunset fall

"It's so beautiful." I smiled

"it is." I heard a voice below me say. I turned to look to find Liam on one knee. I stepped back in awe. Surprised.

"you think that sunset is beautiful but I think you're even more beautiful. I love you Aria Montgomery and I want to spend the ref of my life with you."

"And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I said smiling jumping into his arms. I heard flashes. he hired a photographer to capture this precious moment. we eventually went inside but now it's 2am and liams asleep and my feelings are hitting me. every one of them. I wonder if Ezras doing okay since he's alone now. even with Liam here next to me I still think about Ezra the way it felt waking up in his arms instead of liams. Sometimes I wish he was here.

A/N :
these next 2 chapters are my favorite by far. this one is just kinda a space filler but I put it here so you could see how they develop over the course of the next month. they both still have thoughts and feelings for each other and I can't wait for it to all un ravel. someone's going to step up and be brave soon. please continue to comment and vote. I love you all thanks so much!! can't wait to upload the next chapter very very soon since it's already written and I love it xoxoxxo

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