The day I tried to live

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"it's been two months Ezra."


"you have to tell the world."

"they'll figure it out. don't you see that's why she couldn't do this anymore."


"she didn't like the flash. she wanted to keep us in the dark but I pushed her. and she blamed me and now I've lost her. it became too much for her. she rather throw it all away because it became too much for her. she didn't want it. she could never hide away because the world knew well knows who we are. she didn't want to share me. she wanted me to herself. she never wanted to love in front of the cameras. they did everything she said they would. Stretch and rip us side to side until there was nothing left. guess what now well... she's somewhere someplace and I let her go. and it's good that I did. Better for her. For me...... well I just need something to be good."

"Ezra you need to find someone."

"hardy man, there's a billion people out there but I only imagine there's only one of her. but your right it's time to move on, even though I might not be ready. it's not easy."

"Ezra that's why she told you to let her go. that's why she let you go."


"she knew in her heart you needed someone better. she knew she was holding you back. she knew the right kind of love was the love that let's go. Ezra I believe she loved you so much she realized she wasn't worthy of you. you need to listen to the voice of reason in your head and realize and just realize your not good for each other you only bring each other tears and sorrows."

"you really think we weren't meant to be?" I asked

"no but I have to say that to make you feel better."

"it's just  I thought me and her would grow old together."

"yeah me too." hardy sighed sipping his beer as week looked off the deck.


"really? I felt horrible."

"bigger balls than I have. why'd you do it? you guys are everywhere I see your aces everywhere. how do they not know?"

"the wedding was pretty exclusive only close friends and family. we never told them about the wedding day we were going to release photos after. but here I am staying low at the bar talking to you hoping no cameras-"

before I could speak cameras were flashing taking pictures of me and Alex. he took me by the arm and handed me his jacket and ran out with me hiding my face guiding me to his car speeding off. I took the jacket off my face.

"thank you." I smiled at him

"no problem so where too?"

"Let's go to a park or something. it's late. they won't find us. but I'm sorry about that."

"no no it's fine honestly as long as your safe." he smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush.

"so Aria I think I really do have a crush on you." He said pushing me as I laughed on the swings

"Alex I ... I."

"I get it you just got out of a relationship we should just be friends. okay I get it."

"actually well I just wanted to say I'm ready for a leap."

"a leap?" he asked

"yeah." I said smiling

"okay then Aria do you want to go on a date with me?"

"I'd love that."

After our third date I realized me and Alex both were shy. he walked me up to my apartment.

"so are you gonna kiss me or not? are we gonna do this or what? I think you know I like you but you're about to miss your shot because if I walk in these doors one more night without a ki-"

he cut me off by kissing my lips.

"I like when you rant. I'll see you tomorrow."

so over the next few weeks me and Alex had quite a few dates. he took it really slow with me. we've been dating for a month now. it's been four months since I've been home.


"Ezra there are cheating rumors about you and Aria. it's a small tabloid but people will read into them within a month. there's photos of a girl that has arias figured body but her face is covered by a jacket and a guy is running out with her holding hands. this could all be true. But I'll put a stop to it. "

"it's not Aria so I wouldn't worry about it. she's somewhere she can't be seen."

"Ezra I honestly think she's doing this on purpose."

"she doesn't want me knowing where she is so I doubt it's true. I'm fine Im with gabby now."

"I can't mess this up. I can't let it get out to the public this time. so where are we with the movie?"

"well it's coming along. They actually want you and Aria in an interview the week before the premiere so in a few weeks."

"how is she?"

"how is who?"

"Aria I know you talked to her."

"Ezra your with gabby now. I'll get back with you soon."

"right gabby."

but it's just some nights I'm still pacing back and forth hoping she's at my door. I let her go and that's on me..

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